come with me. imshi! abou fatma murmurs something to harry in his native nubian tongue, slipping in the english words: 'i'll find you.' follow me! ext. gallows. courtyard. fortress of abou clea - night. harry's heart is pounding as he walks back through the hellish courtyard. he isn't sure if the dervish captain has realised he's british. it's only as he points harry towards the gallows that he realises the predicament he's in. over there. harry hesitates, then walks over to the pile of british corpses, convinced he's going to be shot amongst them. find one that fits. harry stares at him, then slowly begins to understand. he's been picked out as a pale looking arab, one that might pass as a british officer from a distance. as he looks around he sees other desert arabs, grinning at him, wearing their own blood stained british uniforms. harry kneels beside the slaughtered british soldiers. one of them still has his pipe stuffed between his teeth. as harry stares at the obscenity, his fear slowly turns to anger. with trembling fingers he unbuttons the dead man's jacket. as he slips the bloodstained british uniform over his shoulders we begin to see the change in his eyes. ext. abou fatma. courtyard. fortress of abou clea - night. abou fatma wanders amongst the dervish army, begging for alms, searching for harry. finally he spots him at the far end of the courtyard, sitting amongst the other dervish warriors in british uniforms. ext. harry. courtyard. fortress of abou clea - night. abou fatma grovels at the feet of the dervishes, before he approaches harry.