in. out. on guard. the blades tear into the dummies, exposing soft leaves and hard wood. hold the line. and charge. the officers charge towards a second set of targets. teeth bared, they drive their bayonets into the stuffed dummies. castelton's blade sticks in a chunk of wood. in and out, castelton, in and out. castelton pulls in frustation. he can't get the bayonet loose. they're coming at you boy. rip it out or they'll stick you first. castelton puts his foot on the dummy's head and tries to wrench the blade free. even though it's only a training exercise, his panic is real. trench slows down as he watches his friend struggling in vain. move on trench. castelton's dead. enemy spear through his throat. the officers continue, bayonets thrust forward, leaving the struggling castelton behind. ext. stables. training ground. westminster barracks - day. the men are washing up after exercises, dousing themselves with cold water. everyone's teasing castelton, except for trench. for once he keeps quiet, knowing how hard his friend's taking it. a seargent-major enters and salutes.