harry, your father. harry looks away from durrance. he sees his father, general feversham, shaking hands with some colleagues across the room. int. seating area. durbar court. india office - night. general feversham is deep in conversation with his friend, colonel sutch, a fellow veteran of the crimean war. harry moves discreetly into their field of vision. an action like this dishonors the entire regiment. alright then, it dishonours us! he stares at durrance with conviction. willoughby he was my friend too, jack. . but a man who isn't prepared to give his life for his friends, isn't a man at all. from the look on their faces, it's clear trench and castelton are beginning to agree with him. willoughby this has to be answered. durrance shakes his head, refusing to turn on harry. he storms out of the room. int. train to bintree - night. the whistle of a train. harry sits in a crowded carriage, looking stiff in his civilian clothes. he glances out of the window, but sees only his own reflection in the glass. ext. ethne's carriage. bintree - day. ethne drives the carriage through the country lanes, overjoyed to see harry. what do you think? get lost!. the arab doesn't move. willoughby didn't you bloody hear me! get lost!. willoughby suddenly stops. he stares at the arab as if in a dream. willoughby . harry?. harry stares back at him through his black desert robes.