i. we. have a reservation. kiva! we have a reservation in the honeymoon suite. what'd i tell you about smoking? that's right -- i smoke, and i'm addicted to it, and i don't want the same thing to happen to you. kiva! that's enough -- yes i am. well. i didn't mean it. literally. i. i happen to be the only one who. cares about you -- please -- take us to our room! flea powder. one of the others is bringing her cat. you're gonna have to wait in the other room. because i said so. you can't watch tv because the noise will interfere with our ritual. kiva. my friend. kiva, turn off the tv! i can't leave her at home -- she's on probation and i gotta keep an eye on her. she stays!! or i go -- along with my offering! kiva. you know what i love about you? your sweet side. you get whatever you want. and you know what else i love about you? your nose. and i saw you checking her out. why do i always attract girls who are looking for a babysitter? which birth is more important to you, that of a mortal or that of a goddess? kiva, shut up. don't talk to her that way! kiva. you have to go in the next room now. up! kiva, don't do this to me. you mean. like last week? we'll talk about this later, kiva. you stay outta this! fine. go ahead. and i'll call your parole officer and she'll find you and send you back to eastlake! to reverse the evil which has been done i make this offering to the divine one a whore not, an innocent was, for whom i seized a virgin's blood. it just shows what an amazing lack of control you have over yourself, eva! if she doesn't get his goop in ten minutes, i'm going to take him myself. oh shit -- kiva! and just where do you think you're going? no. and virtually no cervical cancer, either. i say eva pulled one over on us. exactly -- if she was fucked so good, how could she save his come? you're carrying my bags!