wait up, gawd! i had to get supplies for this boring ass night. you smoke. "hello -- welcome to this week's edition of the hypocrite of the year award --" you're not my mother! then why're we sleeping together? why? i'll watch tv. okay. mommy. make me. and what do i get if i'm sweet? what? i want room service!! oh wow -- if they were really back- to-nature, they'd eat it, like other mammals do. and some french fries! i want fries -- you dumb jerks with your stupid fucking ritual! what? oh, wow, like i'm bummed out that i can't watch. i'm bored! don't put me in there by myself. i'll miss you way too much. please. if you just lemme. i'll play dress-up with you, the way you like it. you know what i mean. remember? we can pretend and i'll do it exactly. the way you want it. with the egg whites and the kilt. no! i'm running away from you! well, gawd -- i need a candy bar or something -- you haven't fed me all day. i'm getting all shaky. my blood sugar's really low. what's that used for? hey -- i wanna be a witch! i'll carry your bags.