white or dark, willy? i'm off-duty, you can call me lew. while gardner piles turkey on a plate and passes it: nicole decided early-on that black sheep was the most effective role in which to distinguish herself from her siblings. well - you may be lost beyond recovery, but maybe we can still convince willy that defending giant corporations against injured citizens is not the best use of his skills. i believe that phrase refers to banks. and it was coined by a thief. beat. willy remains polite, but won't back down. appearances can be deceiving, willy. i grew up with eight brothers and sisters on a farm up in fresno, and i promise you i saw my share of hard times. willy considers his options. you win. beat. willy looks down, begins to eat again. yes. i see that. it might not seem like it now, but that's a blessing in disguise, willy. willy nods. beat. to nikki, uncomfortable: you know what nobody understands about certain kinds of underpaid public service work? now and then you get to put a fucking stake in a bad guy's heart. we're not supposed to talk about that when we visit a third-grade class on career day, and it doesn't get you very far into the country-club locker room - but it's hard to beat when you actually get to do it. these have to be served in person.