are you a shark? you've been circling the lobby for half-an-hour now, like if you stopped you'd die. why don't you talk to bob? willy stops walking, getting a little careful. nikki gardner. senior associate, wooton sims. on bob's orders. interesting. they're each conscious of an unexpected buzz of attraction. the lobby lights flicker, breaking the spell a little. as the crowd begins to drift toward the auditorium doors: you like opera? neither do i. with a conspiratorial head-tip, nikki moves toward the plaza doors. willy follows. bob assigned you to my team. i'll supervise your case-work, steer you through the office arcana, and generally keep an eye on you. kind of like a probation officer. beat. willy nods, meeting nikki's gaze as she looks to make sure he's got it. wooton sims expects absolute loyalty and a hundred-and-ten-percent performance. but: you get to work on legendary litigation. national, sometimes global, in scope. it's high- stakes. and cut-throat - even within the team. we burn out associates at an astonishing rate. yes. can i ask you something personal? who are you? willy doesn't answer. maybe uncertain what she means. maybe not wanting her to know. or even not knowing, himself. we have a guy in our criminal division, fresh out of yale, named calvin tyler. one of our very rich clients gets pulled over, d.u.i. - which is routine bullshit, so calvin gets it. against you. next thing we know, calvin is fired, and bob wooton, who has never even interviewed a junior associate before - let alone hired one - says you're on my team. willy weighs his options. decides to level: wow. you know what's brilliant about that? you didn't actually do anything all that wrong. you gonna get that? we need to talk about your transition timetable. bob believes in trial-by-fire. he wants you up-to-speed two weeks from tuesday, because we're getting on a plane to chicago for depositions in a class-action against our biggest client, armstead pharmaceutical. that's catch-up on three years' work - and you haven't closed out your old job yet. you know, a little bit of fear can be a very healthy thing to have. i'll have them put the armstead materials in your new office. make sure you sign the one with the devil in blood. it's not binding otherwise. he looks up, smiles. you've got a trial monday? that gives you three days. you told me - and i told bob - that you would be ready to hit the ground r- willy, some but acting as his own lawyer - he could drag it out for months! no witnesses? willy leans in, enjoying this part - analyzing, even admiring, crawford's ploy: you're gonna miss being in court, aren't you? he studies her, confident. gestures to the stacks of armstead materials: you don't go home for thanksgiving? slight beat. if you want - you're welcome at mine. my family's. i think it would be interesting. beat. cool. beat. she leaves. willy doesn't go back to work right away. well - you've gotta admire the cleverness of it. willy begins cutting open the package as he talks: come on, willy - give the devil his due. okay: then listen - i checked with bob on how he wants you to handle this. well, he pretty much has to if he's gonna save any face. so here's the strategy: you let him. willy cautiously lifts the box's flaps - pulls aside tissue paper - to reveal: a single eggshell. broken, empty. yeah, damage control. stop getting your face on tv. as it is, i had to talk bob down from cancelling your contract. but we've got to move fast and get out from under. otherwise, and i quote: "stick a fork in this kid's ass and turn him over, he's done." willy: today, you got killed. the issue now is saving your new life. willy can't take his eyes off crawford's "gift." you want to come out and get drunk? all right. don't beat yourself up. ha ha. burton's a counsel for sierra club, and sandra's aclu - so they use the holidays as an opportunity to give me a hard time, because i can buy and sell them. you know of any other family in america where the corporate lawyer who's going to make partner by thirty- five is the "black sheep"? you don't have to do this. nice, burton. beat. willy looks up at burton, steady. shrugs. anyway, willy's been taken off the case. what? that. doesn't make any sense. lobruto has to do some kind of damage control - you are really stupid, did you know that? willy doesn't know how to handle this; everyone else tries to be polite, eating and pretending not to notice. where? the evidence store?! oh, that's right - they open early the day after thanksgiving. you're gonna be fine! who cares?! win what? you wanted corporate, right?! you wanted to play in the big leagues?! you go to all that trouble getting yourself in - and then you just pay no attention to wh- fine. i need to talk with you. she gets up and walks out of the room. with an awkward glance around, willy excuses himself and follows her. did you hear me, when i said bob wanted you gone as soon as this thing broke?! did you hear me say i went out on a limb to convince him - and what if you don't? willy has no answer. he doesn't think that way. and she sees that. she sees a young man from oklahoma, in way over his head. desperate to get through: you don't get it at all, do you?! you pulled a stunt to get yourself this job. fine: you're a hot-shot! wooton sims does not need hot-shots. because you don't win. the firm wins. bob wins. we told the man you're getting on a plane to chicago, tuesday. painful silence. all right. call if you want. he nods. neither one moves. judge gardner enters cautiously from the dining room - breaking the spell. nikki nods goodbye to willy, and goes out quickly without meeting her father's eye. awkward pause. hey, you. what did you think - i wasn't keeping tabs? listen: what do you say i take you out tonight and get you completely trashed? tomorrow's just a travel da- - there's a gun shot outside the courtroom. willy turns. shocked. screams and shouting in the corridor. i told him. you don't work with anyone. jesus, willy, wake up! it's over! what is wrong with you - it's first year law: that woman could fully recover and swear he shot her and it you've got no standing. what's the point, willy? yeah. what does that have to do with wooton sims? willy just breathes. vulnerable like we have never seen him before. he looks across the big reception area, at wooton and the team of associates. some look away. i warned you. it's what it is. i warned you. she starts for the elevators, willy following - oh i'm supposed to lose my job over your problems?!