wooton sims?! willy holds up a finger, talking into his cell: wooton - sims?! wooton sims?! you asshole! how the hell did you get a job at wooton sims?! i can't even get an interview! i've been here five years. i'm your supervisor. i graduated usc, summa! a tuxedo?! oh, come on! you are so full of shit. "bob" wooton?! make sure it comes with cuff-links and knee-pads. there is no justice! there is no justice in the city of los angeles! i've got an attempted homicide. conley caught it last night, but he's hung up in motions with gardner. arraignment in part seven, at three o'clock. thank you. what's the temperature? you do still actually work here, willy, right? i mean, you're still going to be cashing your paycheck for another two weeks and everything? everybody's booked up. look: it's not going to trial. there's a weapon with prints, and a confession. take the arraignment and wait for the plea. spontaneous and signed. come on, willy. willy sighs. looking down at his coffee-soaked suit. you know - i really wish i was going to see this.