who's this? okay. good tits. can't we show them off a little more? very fine bone structure. come along with me, fanny. you see: we've got to change that name. i like your looks. you have the classical bone structure of the very great beauties. garbo, dietrich -- i intend to make a great deal of money off you. since we have you on a seven year contract, i'm planning long-range. i'm going to loan you out to sam goldwyn to make a picture called "come and get it." never mind that. i'm concerned about you. your attitude. society is falling apart, miss farmer, and people have to buckle down, do their jobs. you see, i view myself as the henry ford of motion picture industry, and i can't have the fellow who puts on the wheels arguing with the man who installs head-lights, now can i? no, i'm concerned with everything. that's right. you're an actress, miss farmer and your job is to act. i'm sure it wasn't me, it wasn't me. i don't know who she fucked to get where she is, but i don't think it was me. that's not the point. frances farmer has the world by the tit because of this studio, and now she thinks she can waltz off without a thank you. no. no, that young lady has a contract, and she's going to honor it. i think it's time to take the gloves off. get me some reporters. particularly louella parsons! i'd like nothing better.