obviously. dwayne. dwayne steele. well, all i can say is: i feel like i've known these two for years! yes, of course she'll make a statement on women's rights. call back tomorrow, okay? dwayne steele's residence. yes. what? yes. yes, i'll tell her. you learn your lines? there've been some calls. well. about half an hour ago that woman from the talent department called, what's her name? yeah, claire. she said she was fired. too bad, huh? yeah. she said she delivered your message and that you'd understand. there was another call too. from your agent. he says your summer stock deal is all set. so you're going back east, huh? without me. you weren't going to tell me, were you? just pack up and leave, is that it? hey, i'm not a complete fool, you know. i can see you're going sour on me, and when i try to do something about it, you turn your back and say it's nothing. dwayne! i'm dwayne now! and you damn well better get used to it! i don't suppose it occurred to you that i might want to leave too, that i might want to do theatre? no, 'cause you don't want me along, do you? and the reason has nothing to do with summer stock. no. it's all about that night, isn't it? the premiere. i never pressed you about it but god damn it, you're gonna tell me right here and right now what happened and where the hell you were! what?