one merely inserts the leucotome beneath the eyelid and presses up into the prefrontal lobe, manipulating it so as to sever the nervous connections between the thalamofrontal radiation and the body of the brain. because of the speed and simplicity of the operation, i am able, as you are seeing, to perform the procedure on ten patients in less than a half hour. the operation is completely painless and can be performed without any sedative whatsoever. we have always known that this form of radical treatment was effective, but until now it couldn't be applied on a large scale. the old procedure required a full day's work by a surgical team to perform a single operation. in the same time, working alone, i can treat fifty. this procedure works best on patients with extreme over-reactions to emotional stimuli. it can also be used as a last resort on those who seem impervious to other forms of treatment. in plain language, my technique severs the nerves which give emotional energy to ideas. along with the cure comes a loss of affect. a kind of emotional flattening. with diminished creativity and imagination. patients become like good solid cake with no icing. but, after all, it is their emotions and imaginations that are disturbed. these patients will soon be leaving the hospital. lobotomy gets 'em home.