bye, baby. it always amazes me, lil, how you can whip up a hot, hearty meal out of thin air. thank you. i'm. i'm really proud of you, frances. an essay contest. a national contest. that's pretty impressive. you wrote it, didn't you? well, harry york is a guy who. well, he does a lot of things. why do you ask? yeah. well. it's possible. harry york and i both work for mr. kaminski right now, and. well. there are lots of folks in this country who never got a square break. that's the way of things, but mr. kaminski wants to change it, and when it comes to new ideas, the people in power get nervous. no, no, no. all he wants to do is see the common man get a little representation. the label's not important, francie. what's important is: this country's got nine million unemployed and something's gotta be done about it. besides: left-wing, right-wing, up- wing, down-wing. they don't mean much. all a label is usually is a way to call somebody a dirty name. i know. i have a right to talk to her. she's my daughter, and she's beginning to understand why i've sacrificed so much in order to achieve. they need help, lil. they pay me back in other ways. no, lil. it's just you can't understand their brand of patriotism. i'm going back to the hotel. see you next weekend? lillian. i'm more than willing to meet you halfway. that's a thought, lil. that sure is a thought. francie, you'll learn that sometimes it's best to stay low and just walk away. you really want to go? and you think it's worth all this? then go. be careful, francie. what? oh. well, i was pleased, of course. richard. uh, dwayne, is a real gentleman. i don't know, honey. your mother has such big plans for you. what you have to understand, francie, is that she. well. she wanted so much for herself too, and for me, and she never really got to. the only time i ever saw her happy was if her name was in the papers. but she could have been. if times were different she could have been a politician or. i don't know. well, francie, sometimes after you get your hands on something you want, it just doesn't look the same. then you have to be real smart to know if you should hold onto it because it's all you've got. or just let it go. this is the way of things, but i guess you already know that. always. always. i'm sorry, i. i don't have a desk in my room, and. i love you too, francie. francie, you know i can't do that. they'll just catch you again, francie. besides, your mother will know. but i gave her my word. besides, she's still your legal guardian. my hands are tied. please, francie. i'll try to protect you, francie. i will, i'll talk to her. we'll have a real talk. are you. are you hungry?