c'mere. i wanna talk to you. momma told ya not to speak to strangers, huh? hey! i'm not gonna hurt you. i just wanna talk. well. you're causin' trouble, you know that? not me. but other people seem to. now wait a minute, sweetie. do i look like a newshound to you? that's rich. hey, if i was a cop, i'd be packing, right? you see a gun? go on, search me. pat me down. harry york. i work for martoni kaminski, he's running for congress here. yeah, well -- now you're catchin' on. don't wanna get your daddy in hot water, do you? well. see the papers've got us pegged as pinkos, then you come along, the friendly neighborhood atheist -- right again. you're no more an atheist than my man's a red, but what they're doin', see, they're addin' up their version of your ideas with their version of ours. could look bad for your daddy. sure don't talk like you're sixteen. i suppose not. gotta ask you this, though: for all our sakes, you better keep your trap shut. harry. bye. sure don't walk like sixteen, neither. not bad, farmer. not half bad. you think i'd miss it? i just wanted to see how you looked. enh. you looked okay. joint's pretty dead. how 'bout i take you home? honest. when you were up there, you were really. there, know what i mean? everyone else looked stupid. yeah, it's a gift. you gotta do something with it. what? you're not the quiet type, frances. you know, my old man was an inventor. spent his whole life down in the basement trying to design transcontinental underground railroads, stuff like that. well, i was supposed to be his partner. when i told him the smell of his workshop made me sick, i thought he was going to die right there. he retired to florida. made a killing in vending machines. i kick myself sometimes, but the thing is, i would have been miserable living his life. sure. try this acting thing. you can make good money at it. you don't know what you want. frances. well. don't you think it's up to me to. how ya doin', farmer? came to get a tan. kaminski. since when do you believe the papers? they killed him, kid. they killed him. they threw him out that window. eight stories. yup. poor bastard lay there on the sidewalk and he couldn't die. too god damn much heart. he just didn't want to die. he wouldn't play ball. what can i tell ya. it's done. anyway, i didn't want to be next, so i skipped town; came down here to work for some big-wig. tail and nail job. i'm sort of a non-gentleman's non- gentleman. how d'ya like the camouflage? i always told ya, frances. you got real ability. hey, i'm a man, aren't i? whattaya say we have dinner, then maybe head out to the beach, rub some of this tan off each other. for old time's sake. yeah? what is he -- muscleman? lifeguard? actor? good. then it's temporary. all actors are phonies. serious, huh? hey that's great, farmer, just great. not bad, farmer. it's one thing to marry the guy, but did you have to sleep with him? shit. i meant the other way around. is that why you did it? you're telling me. well, she's back to earth now. they're all pretty huffed up about your leaving. i think you better go back, kid. if they say they love it, they'll probably love it. not everybody lies, you know? frances, you're a movie star now. if you give them what they want, you can get anything. some people starve, kid. until we can do something about it, they might as well see a movie. makes 'em feel better. what're you gonna do, waste your talent? why not use it to make something worthwhile. you can do that, you know? tell you what. let's ditch the limo. let me drive you up to that red carpet in my beat up chevy. come on, cinderella, your pumpkin awaits. don't start, farmer. the chauffeur. he's watching. i'm serious, frances. this is important. hot damn! of course it can be done, "mr. jones," but it's how you do it. there's a way to pay off l.a. cops and a way to get yourself arrested. first you gotta know who to approach -- jesus, frances, how'd you find me? calm down, frances. frances. i know, frances. i know. got any ginger beer? animal magnetism! no ginger beer. what's this red stuff? think i'll have a glass. very tasty. nice joint. can you afford it? what for? well, i would have, you know? i just didn't know how to cook it. six months' probation? you gotta learn when to do battle, farmer. you're not going to win many bouts with 200 pound cops. i'll bet. so you drink, and you fight with a cop? beats me. hey look, i got some business down in san diego. whattaya say you come with me, stay a few days? you're coming. and? well, like the man said: "you can make a fresh start with your last breath." take a walk, pal. hey! hi there. how 'bout a walk in the woods? you've looked a whole lot better. c'mon. listen: to the left. straight through the trees and over the wall to your left. my car is there. frances! did you hear what i said? you want crazy? i'll show you crazy! here. evening, gorgeous. forget it, frances. you're not driving. couple hours from idaho. we'll cut across to montana. i've got friends there with a ranch. what? that's right. whattaya think you're in now? huh? who to? frances, you're fulla drugs. you don't know what you're saying. who do you think put you into meadow wood? your mother thinks you're crazy and she'll keep on thinking it as long as it suits her. yeah? she's a shark, frances. i'm not taking you there, and that's that! i guess. what's that? hey! another shot for the lady and a double for me! hey, you're a good quarter-horse, kid, but you can't go a route of ground. no. to thoroughbreds. huh? look, frances, i'm only gonna ask this one time. i mean it. i swear after this, i'll never ask again: will you marry me? well. i'll act like i do until i do. there's just one more thing. will you marry me? it's not too late to keep going, up to vancouver? be the smartest thing. you give up on her? frances, you're crazy. anyway. if you need me. you got the wrong guy. name's slocum. look, i'm tellin' you. frances! frances! frances, it's me, harry? oh, god! let's get her out of here tonight, right now! let's take her with us! look at her! she'll never pass that sanity test tomorrow. you'll be okay, honey. he's just givin' you something to make you think, so that tomorrow you can tell 'em what they want to hear, okay? tell 'em you were crazy as a loon and they cured you and you're grateful. frances, we gotta do it this way. just remember tomorrow, remember what i told you. what're you gonna tell 'em? i gotta go now. all square, doc. i love you too, frances. where to? this is it, kid. this is our chance. when you got a chance, you better take it. you don't need to screw around anymore. you don't need dwayne steele or odets or your mother. you need me. been a lot of years, you know. a long time waiting. for what? end up feeling like a sap. i don't know. right. except. time has a way of -- i hope so, frances. i'll be seeing you, kid. hey. c'mere. i want to talk to you. how. how ya doin', farmer? sure i did, that's why i'm here. oh, you. . ennh. yeah. yeah, i heard about that. why do you say that? frances! i'm not sure. no. yes. would you like me to walk a little way with you? just a little way.