these are perilous times. with the economic collapse comes hopelessness and desperation; and people turn to dangerous ideas -- those of us who represent law and order must be vigilant. who's behind this, her mother? what about the father, he's a little pink. maybe he wants to show our schools in a bad light, shift some support to kaminski and those jackals. well, the publicity must stop. it's no good for seattle and no good for the country. keep an eye on this, will you, alma? alvin hanson, a.k.a. ronald burns, thomas slocum, harry york. mr. hanson, this warrant has been outstanding for many years. normally that circumstance would prompt me toward leniency, but the crime you committed -- inciting to riot -- and the cause you sought to promote -- a worker's rebellion -- are such anathemas to this court that i feel compelled to mete out the full sentence. i only wish it were longer. six months in the state penitentiary. i think in all future documents she should be referred to as mrs. r. h. richardson. yes. it's less recognizable. i'm sure you'd prefer to keep unpleasant publicity to a minimum. now. can you tell us where we might find frances? counsellor, as guardian ad litem for mrs. richardson, do you waive jury trial? having heard the testimony of a legally qualified and reputable physician. and being further satisfied of the truth of all matters set forth in the certificates of said physician, i do hereby order that the said mrs. r. h. richardson, an insane person, be confined to the western state hospital for the insane at steilacoom. so ordered! are the gentlemen from steilacoom present?