frances has not turned her back on the lord, they're just having a momentary difference of opinion. what child hasn't questioned the lord's mysteries in order to better understand them? to paraphrase mr. voltaire, i may not agree with what she says, but i'll defend to the death her right to say it. freedom of speech, unlike in the dark countries to the east, still lives in america! and in my home. i can thank you for that. it was a hard-earned talent. bread? when's the last time you saw a hundred dollars, ernest farmer? i'm not hungry. you two just enjoy yourselves. after all, this is a celebration. don't listen to him, little sister. when you're proud of what you are, you don't refuse the label, understand? and you. should be proud. you won that contest and made a name for yourself. you're poisoning that child's mind. you've sacrificed?! if you'd practice law for decent folk instead of communists and indigents -- how? what do they do for you, kaminski and his friends? they're all anarchists! traitors! that's right. i can't understand a man who puts strangers over his family, a man who gives up a good career to become a shiftless inkhorn failure. good. as usual. everything as usual, mr. farmer. just give me my due. don't make me sick. i'd sooner drown myself in puget sound. i'm fine, perfectly fine. communists?! no daughter of mine is going to communist russia! but they're using you! i'll pay your way to new york. i'll work, i'll slave. i'll sell my vegetables to the truck farmers, or -- i never taught you that! little sister, if you don't wise up soon, it's going to be out of my hands! yes, but important people are concerned about this. judge hillier spoke to alma styles -- you will. the authorities tell me there's no legal way i can stop her, but the way i see it, it's bigger than me or my family. american integrity, that's what's at stake here. they're sending my daughter to the heartland of darkness. . .the dark forces that would overthrow our country. your country. my country. help me save my daughter! save the children of america. frances, i'm warning you. i'm gonna throw myself beneath the wheels. i'll do it, frances. frances! i guess it's no secret that i'm proud. only twenty-one years old, and look at all she's done. as for her looks, i flatter myself that she gets them from me. and not only has frances come home a star; she's also brought me this big handsome lug of a son-in-law! oh, dwayne! this is like a fairy tale! there she is! smile, little sister, smile. it's alright now, little sister, everything's going to be just fine. shhh, shhh. you're not going to jail, frances. the judge has put you under my care. i'll see you get the rest you need. first things first, little sister. trust me. why it's beautiful here! what a view! good afternoon, doctor. oh. well, i have some background that you should probably know about if you're. i'll be back real soon, little sister. you be a good girl. you'll see, little sister. everything will be fine. the doctors know best. not much on hospital corners, are you? you have no right! tell them who i am! tell them who i am! and here's the one from duluth. a war widow with five children. she works in a defense plant and she's very worried about you. i answered her that she shouldn't let worry over you affect her vital work; and that you'd be back on the silver screen in no time. and here's one from nice mr. zeiss. he says that. well, they needed immediate answers, frances. it's good manners and good sense. you shouldn't be bothering yourself with these right now. it's your fan mail, little sister. what? welcome home, little sister. frances, you remember my lawyer, alma styles? i called alma because i think we'll need. i swear i didn't know what they were doing to you. i wouldn't have let them. frances, please don't. frances, play 'flow gently sweet afton'. please. i want you to. it would make me so happy. it's just a flow gently sweet afton day. life has been so good to me. why, i have just about everything one could wish. but i still have so many blank pages in my scrapbook. what's wrong? where are you going? how long will you be? i'll have lunch ready by one. at one. promise? say you promise. you know, the surest way to lose an appetite, is to drink, little sister. i don't want you drinking, frances. oh frances, do i have news for you! guess who -- don't. talk crazy. they want you back! your agent called today! don't you understand? he's sending the scripts. he wants to fly up here in a week with the publicity people! frances, you can't do this to your fans! why, they've been praying for you all through this nightmare. you can't turn your back on them now! look at this fan mail i've been answering! i told him to come up! i told him you wanted to show them all that there's nothing wrong with you any more, that you're completely cured! you. you selfish, selfish child. at least talk to him, hear what he has to say. you want to throw it all away, is that it? you had everything, little sister. beauty. a brilliant career. a wonderful husband. you were a movie star! and now you're throwing everything away? you're gonna be a nobody! nobody! you know what that's like?! where are you going? you're not going anywhere! frances! that's it. you've done it now, little sister. all my life, i've tried to live up to my parents' example. to have the independence of mind and fortitude of spirit that have made this country great. i taught that to frances: speak out. aspire. make something of yourself, something -- well. yes. no. i mean, yes, doctor. well, alma told me that. yes. her married name? oh yes. of course, she hasn't anything definite in mind. it's a miracle. just a miracle. oh, just leave those things for now. you know, little sister, i never resented you for refusing to see me in the. the hospital. i knew you had to manage on your own before you could come back. little sister, i don't want you to feel any rush to get back to work. i want you to rest. for a while anyway. good night, dear. i was hoping for a kind word, little sister. i have! but what -- what was i saying? oh yes, it was the communists that did it to frances. they capture the mind by first seducing the heart. i suppose i never taught frances to close her heart. pardon? oh, would you like more lemonade? you know, ernie, i think we should have frances' room repainted for when she comes home. that'll brighten her day.