she's a tramp from newark. miss farmer, for me this is not a play: it's an assault. a seduction. a plea for understanding. i think we live in a time when new art works should shoot bullets. and you make very attractive ammunition. 'golden boy.' you see that girl? that's who my play is about. i know, but i'm not seeing it. it's there, frances, the fire is there, but it's not coming through. you're lazy -- yes, you win them, you bring them into your heart, touch them, but you don't set them on fire! i need an incendiary! an arsonist! good. then it's very simple. you have to stop being afraid, frances. it's in you. i can see it. you just have to let it out. trust it. no one will quash you here, but it's still a fight, a struggle! being true to your art, being honest, is always a struggle! how'd it go? your big speech? i already have. the speech? real good. you got it.