hobbies? no, no, people don't want that. now listen: you spend lots of time at the beach. you're crazy about dancing. and you're the kind of girl who's just a little in love with love. get it? now try again? hobbies? beach. dancing. in love with love. not much to work with. how's this: 'the most interesting thing about frances farmer is that her road to hollywood was 12,000 miles long. after winning a beauty contest, the first prize of which was a trip to europe' she made some deal with the commies and went to moscow, but i'm not going to say that, am i? um. 'miss farmer returned to new york city and had a brief fling with the broadway stage before coming west to seek stardom.' well, actually she couldn't get hired, but lucky for her, some guy in our new york office saw her. she says soon as she gets a stake, she's going back.