i'm very pleased to meet you, mrs. farmer. i'm sure we'll have more of a chance to talk later. right now i think it's important that your daughter have a chance to settle in. perhaps it would be best if you said your goodbyes here. i have no doubt, mrs. farmer. if you'll speak to the girl at the desk, she'll arrange an appointment. i find these initial meetings to be much easier without the concerned relatives in attendance. thanks are hardly necessary. i'm glad to see you haven't lost your sense of humor. so it seems. may we be serious for a moment? i feel i've known you for a long time. you see, i've followed your career. you're a fascinating case. i'm looking forward to resolving your predicament. among persons such as yourself, creative people under great stress, erratic behavior is not at all uncommon and certainly nothing to be ashamed of. it's just that the neuroses which fuel your talent can also generate certain character disabilities which. please sit down. i see. and what's that? all right. will you please sit down now? symington says. just a little joke, miss farmer. stay calm, please. i'll have someone show you to your room. you really should get some rest now. nurse will meet you outside. good day. is there something else? symington says. i'm sorry to keep you waiting, the staff review ran over. did you enjoy your mother's visit? really? any problems? you're telling me you feel guilty. do you really believe your mother's trying to kill you? she told me you said, "mama, you want to kill me." and you accused her of tampering with your mail. but you tell me you had a pleasant visit and your mother says you were sullen and uncommunicative. whom do you think i should believe? frances, you're still filled with anxiety. you feel guilty and hostile toward your family and friends. consequently, i didn't recommend your release at the staff review. mental illness is an elusive thing, and though i'm pleased you're feeling more. capable, it's perhaps unrealistic to expect you to be completely cured after so short a time. don't you agree? i'm sure you'll see it my way in the end. huh? frances, i'm warning you. sedate her.