freh. nnn. nd. freehhnnnd. brread. motherrr. frriend. treeeeee. ch. uuu. ch. floww. wwer. flower. garrr. denn. garden. it's snnowwinng. most beautiful. tree. for the. goood spirr-rit. of the. forr-rest. myyy darrllnng vic. tor. willee haaad hisss burrth-dayyy. i wissh. yooo cuud huvv beeen. herre. to sharre ut. withh. ussss. of sscience. and to c-create. a beinng. in the image of man. assembled ffrrom. the. dead bodieess i have. gatherrred. nice. better that way. for me. i'm. very, very ugly. people are afraid. except you. worse. yes. i have been seeking my friends. yes. very close i have been. afraid. afraid. they will hate me. because i am so very ugly. and they are so very beautiful i am afraid. i love them. so very much. i want. i want. them to be my ff-family. i ii-ilove them ss-so very mm-mm- mmuch. don't let them hate me! it's me! it's mmmmeeeeee! no. geneva. wait! don't be afraid! frankenstein. come warm yourself if you like. yes, i speak. and read. and think. and know the ways of man. i've been waiting for you. two months now. the letters in your journal. that and a geography book. your elizabeth sounds lovely. kill you? hardly that. more to the point, why am i here? what did you want with me? what does one say to one's maker, having finally met him face to face? milton gave it voice. did i request thee, maker, from my clay to mould me man? did i solicit thee from darkness to promote me? your crime. as well as mine. evil? do you believe in evil? i'm not sure i believe. but then i had no one to instruct me. i had no mother. and my father abandoned me at birth. were the dying cries of your brother music in my ears? i took him by the throat with one hand. lifted him off the ground. and slowly crushed his neck. that poor, innocent child died in my grip. because all i could see was your face. and all i could feel was my rage. and when i let him go, he fluttered to the grass like a sparrow. later, when they were searching, i followed the pretty lady who got lost in the woods. she was so lovely. i longed to touch her. and seek her sympathy. but i simply returned the object which had triggered my crime, hoping in some small way to atone. you gave me these emotions, but you didn't tell me how to use them. now two people are dead. because of us. why, victor? why? what were you thinking? what of my soul? do i have one? or was that a part you left out? who were these people of which i am comprised? good people? bad people? you're wrong. do you know i knew how to play this? in which part of me did this knowledge reside? in these hands? in this mind? in this heart? and reading and speaking. not things learned. so much as things remembered. stolen memories. stolen and hazy. they taunt me in my dreams. i've seen a beautiful woman lying back and beckoning for me to love her. whose woman was this? i've seen boys playing, splashing about in a stream. whose childhood friends were these? who am i? then perhaps i believe in evil after all. there is something i want. a friend. a companion. a female. like me, so she won't hate me. i do know that for the sympathy of one living being, i would make peace with all. i have love in me the likes of which you can scarcely imagine. and rage the likes of which you would not believe. if i cannot satisfy the one, i will demonically indulge the other. that choice is yours. you're the one who set this in motion, frankenstein. we'd travel north, my bride and i. to the furthest reaches of the pole, where no man has ever set foot. there we would live out our lives. together. no human eye would ever see us again. this i vow. soon? i'll be waiting. and watching. i want her. her body pleases me. materials, remember? nothing more. your words. i know you can. a brain. extremities. what does it matter? she'll live again. you'll make her. you will honor your promise to me! that is mild compared to what will come. if you deny me my wedding night. i'll be with you on yours. yes, and i've come to snatch your soul. . unless you tell me where they've gone. don't bother to scream. you're more lovely than i could ever have imagined. i keep my promises. she's beautiful. i'm sure the lady knows her own mind. doesn't she? let her decide the proper suitor. no. get away from her! she's mine! we killed her. he never gave me a name. you were with him at the end. i was watching. i longed to be with him. but i wanted his final moments to have peace. i could see you were a friend to him. i am as he made me. in his own image. and he drove me to mine. would you not? he was father. and mother. we fell from grace together. he from his god. i from mine. could we ever have forgiven? i've never been shown a kindness. show me one now. build for him a pyre. light up the sky with his passing. for god's sake. i will.