mrs. moritz, would you and your daughter excuse us? she has lost her parents to scarlet fever. she is an orphan. victor, do as you're told! i did everything i could. my friends, fatherly pride won't allow this occasion to pass without my raising a toast. to victor. my son. who read every medical book in my library by age thirteen. and then re-read them, which seemed excessive even to me. drape yourself in glory, my boy. study well. when you return, you return a man of medicine. i will then be honored to call you "colleague." no. you'll surpass me. write to us often. he always was opinionated. that's where they cut things open and peer about inside. what's all the fuss? why are you shouting? open it. what does it say? brilliant! i knew it! ever since you were children! join us for champagne! my son is coming home! have you seen willie? claude rode over there to see if held lost track of time. they say he never arrived. this is not. the grand wedding. i had hoped to give you. victor?