i was just clearing my throat. you know, you're quite mad. as a march hare. of course i am. it pays to humor the insane. henry clerval. i know. you have a way of making an impression. come now. magnus? agrippa? next thing you know, you'll be teaching toadstools to speak. dilettantes need not apply. what about you? schiller, isn't it? really? i myself find sick people rather revolting. i'm here to secure my degree with a minimum of fuss and hard work that i might settle into a life of privilege treating rich old ladies with gout and dallying with their daughters. can you think of a better reason? do me a favor then. . keep them to yourself. the entire school heard it. it wasn't something one could miss. what now? writing about it in your journal won't help. now you've got him started. yes, and thanks to him, smallpox has been virtually eliminated. i've heard this speech before. it smacks of magic. come now, you must take some satisfaction. you've risen to the top of your class. a position of prominence and regard. leave off! your elizabeth must be quite a treasure, victor . to justify these prices. shouldn't the nose be above the mouth? you're saying all disease will eventually be eradicated? do you foresee this happening in our lifetimes? thank goodness. we'd be out of work. somebody has to! and here's to him. everything in moderation, frankenstein. professor? they just caught the man who did it. they'll hang him all the same. keep your voice down. you don't know what you're saying. you're making a scene! you can't. death is god's will! that's blasphemy! all the more reason for us to continue his work with the poor! there are sick people who need our help. here and now. not in some future time. consider that. victor. this has got to stop. nobody's seen you in months. you haven't attended a single class. we all know how hard you took waldman's death. even krempe is sympathetic. but it is time to move on. it is time to concern yourself with life. how much longer? god's sake, what is that stench? things have gone worse with this cholera outbreak. thousand new cases a day now. classes have been suspended. university's shut down. listen to what i'm saying. the militia's arriving to quarantine the city. most of us are getting out while we still can. victor! open the door! listen to reason! schiller? you're leaving? where's all that high talk about treating the sick? victor! thank god your fever broke. slowly, now. just a sip. i've been worried we might lose you. it's been touch-and-go for a week. we feared cholera. turned out to be pneumonia, brought on by nervous exhaustion and some idiot running around in a storm. mine and professor krempe's. we've been trading off nursing you in shifts. the rest of the time we're out working with the cholera victims. it's his turn for that just now. we catch a few hours sleep where we can. usually here at your bedside. nothing in moderation, frankenstein. it's the down-and-outs i pity most. those who can't fend for themselves. they'll be dead by the thousands before this is done. they don't stand a chance out there. victor. this place looked like a charnel house. what went on here? it'll be months before you're well enough. meantime, your family must be frantic not hearing from you. i found these. some of the postmarks go back nine months. why don't you open them? and when you've the strength, have the decency to ease their minds with a reply. soon as the city ends quarantine, i'll even mail it for you. along with this. it's a beautiful gift. does her no good lying here. a woman like that is far too rare to be taken lightly. our carriage is here. quite a place. for what? i am cautiously hopeful. with quiet and proper care he may eventually regain some or most of his strength. what happened up there? i prayed never to see these again. whatever they are. i won't bother asking what or why. you wouldn't tell me anyway. i just hope you know what you're doing. . because if this is a repeat of ingolstadt, i won't be around to pick up the pieces. yes, don't worry. i'll look after your father. you look after her. only if you'll tell me who he is. victor. let it go. victor! come back!