in science, the letter of fact is the letter of law. our pursuit is as dogmatic as any religious precept. think of yourselves as disciples of a strict and hallowed sect. someday you may be priests. but only if you learn the scripture chapter and verse. any questions? philosophical? paracelsus? what is your name? of geneva. tell me, mr. frankenstein of geneva. do you wish to study medicine? or mysticism? those of you unfamiliar with mr. frankenstein's suggested reading list. thankfully, that would be most of you. would be well advised to avoid it. here at ingolstadt, we concern ourselves with immutable reality. . not the ravings of lunatics and alchemists hundreds of years in their graves. understood? i am relieved. are there any relevant questions? lecture hall dismissed. i'll see you thrown out of this university! i'll go to the dean himself! take me at my word, frankenstein! the dean himself! you seem to be adapting well to the approved curriculum. don't dawdle, lad! the sick cart! lift on three! one, two, three! i'll have all your things sent on. they should arrive soon after. it's been a rough time, lad. for us all. but if you'd like to come back and finish out your final term once university re-opens. write and let us know you've arrived safely.