i'm. dying. frostbite. gangrene. a simple diagnosis. how is it you come to be here? ah. an explorer. i heard. creature? a. human like creature? your men are right to be afraid. you'd persist at the cost of your own life? the lives of your crew? do you share my madness? we are kindred, you and i. men of ambition. let me tell you all that i have lost in such pursuits. i pray my story will come to mean for you all that is capricious and evil in man. my name is frankenstein. don't cry, elizabeth. we'll build a fort. so the lightning can't get us. nothing can. not ever. mrs. moritz. mother? as a boy, i stood at this window and watched god destroy our tree. father? how could all my father's knowledge and skill fail to save her? what kind of god is he to will this? god took her from us. our brother. the world is a dizzying place. he needs to vent his outrage to the skies! make yourself heard, willie! learning to walk is not an easy thing! why should it be so? don't listen, willie. progress is a feast to be consumed. women would have you believe you must walk before you can run. or run before you can waltz! devil take walking, ladies! my brother shall learn to waltz! but never your equal. quite a send-off, isn't it? and you? i'll have to do better than that. to be the best there ever was. to push our knowledge beyond our dreams. to eradicate disease and pestilence. to purge mankind of ignorance and fear. i'm not mad. i've loved you all my life this feels. incestuous. i wish to be your husband. then come with me to ingolstadt. marry me now. only you. you make me weak. your decision. for us. until our wedding night. when our bodies will join. elizabeth. my more than sister. i'll make you so proud, mother. we never finished our dance. someday we shall. the others will look to you while i'm gone, willie. be strong. elizabeth. this will do nicely. but surely, professor, you don't intend we disregard the more. philosophical works. those which stir the imagination as well as the intellect. paracelsus, for one. or albertus magnus. cornelius agrippa. victor frankenstein, sir. of geneva. very well then. i am not mad. are you having me on? victor, victor frankenstein. do you really think i'm mad? i'm afraid i rejected his application. he merely dabbles. rich old ladies and their daughters? quite a few. that's no excuse for being a pompous ass! you're a comfort to me, henry. it's a letter to my father. professor waldman. krempe has a way of provoking my temper. to say the least. i came here to expand my mind, but honest inquiry seems strangled at every turn. all we do is cling to the old knowledge instead of seeking the new. no, i embrace it. as something to be used or discarded as we advance the boundaries of what is known. these are exciting times, henry. we're entering an era of amazing breakthroughs. look at edward jenner. he wasn't content to bleed people with leeches, he pioneered a new frontier of thought but you haven't listened, never in history has so much seemed possible. we're on the verge of answers undreamt of. but only if we have the courage to ask the questions. preposterous. it's utterly fantastic! this is the sort of thing i'm talking about! we should be learning this! but the possibilities. combining ancient knowledge with new? something like this could change our fundamental views! i doubt that decision is still mine to make. why? and i further wish to extend my sincerest regrets to professor krempe for my display. my behavior toward him was both rash and inexcusable. numbers four and twelve directly into the nervous system? and the medulla oblongata is the transition between the spinal cord and the two parts i've already named. cerebrum and cerebellum. any freshmen feeling queasy yet? all of you, from the look of it. we'll resume your torture tomorrow. despite the lack of challenge. the strain was evident. what keeps me going are my friends. only you would think of that! i tell you what we need, my friends. forget the symptoms and diseases. what we need is a vaccine for death itself. nothing in moderation, clerval. he was a frightened soul who acted out of fear and ignorance. good. i'll be there to hear his worthless neck snap. it was wrong, henry! it shouldn't have happened! the bastard deserves to die. why waldman? he of all people should have cheated death! i resent god's monopoly. blasphemy be damned! waldman spent his life trying to help people! no. he had more important work. life and death. why should you alone have the final say? to understand the causes of life, we must first have recourse to death. and examine the process in minutest detail. no longer pathetic and useless i've been preoccupied. that is my concern. i'm involved in something just now. i want to finish it in waldman's memory. few months perhaps. i'm gathering the raw materials even now. materials. that's all they are tissue to be re-used. that one. not optimal. must use. no time to replace. body can't wait. this is a bad time, henry. i'm busy just now. what do you want? yes? and? you'll be leaving then. just as well. you never were cut out for this, henry. goodbye. time running out. rate of decay accelerating. must strike now. or start again from scratch. live, you bastard! it's alive. it's alive. what have i done? let go of me! massive birth defects. result is malfunctional and vile. have chosen to abort. stay away! no. no. i'm not dead. please. don't put me on the cart! i'm not dead! i'm not dead! i'm not dead! a. week? is that your diagnosis? you've been going round-the-clock? everything in moderation, clerval. no. they don't. i want to go home. it can't survive. ". but it's been so long since i've heard from you. remember the vow we took the night you left? you must be honest with me if your feelings have changed. answer for the sake of our friendship, and both our future happiness." she wrote that four months ago. thank you, professor. for everything. take me home, my friend. there! look! thank you, henry. this. my home. my family. if not for you, i'd be dead in a burial pit somewhere. elizabeth? we'll organize another search now that it's light enough. we'll find her, mrs. moritz, i promise. who is it? yes. did you? did you, justine? i always viewed her with brotherly affection. i had no idea of her feelings for me. but to commit so ghastly and terrible a crime against a child she loved? it's hard to believe. oh god. oh god! no! nooooooo! oh god. justine. forgive me. my mind was not playing tricks. he was there in the storm. gloating over his crimes. challenging me to come. i've no choice they've done a fine job. hanging an innocent for the crime of a fiend. i know only that he is a killer. and i shall bring back his carcass. where are you? you speak. how did you find me? kill me and have done with it. then why am i here? what did you want with me? fine words from a child killer. you who murdered my brother. how dare you. you're disgusting and evil. i see it before me. there was something at work in my soul which i do not understand. materials. nothing more. trace memories in the brain, perhaps. i don't know. what can i do? friend? like you? oh, god, you don't know what you're asking. and if i consent? yes. i want this over and done with. i'm all right. i'm safe, i didn't find what i was looking for. at shadows. my nerves got the better of me. it's not something i can explain now. perhaps someday. so do i. a month at most, that's all i ask. elizabeth, please. things have not yet resolved. i must take steps to see that they do. for our family's sake. for our sake. you are life itself. we shall seal our vow. the moment i am done. you must regain your strength to preside at our wedding. and spoil your grandchildren later on. these are duties you cannot shirk. we're all safe now. i promise god forgive me. why. her? my words. the brain stem was destroyed by the hanging. we'll need another. the body looks like it will do, but some extremities are too decayed. they'll have to be replaced. the fresher the better. what is this? this was not taken from a grave. no. i draw the line. i will not! kill me now! no. not tomorrow, not next week, marry me today. it was misguided and pointless. is your answer yes? we'll leave this afternoon, right after the ceremony. pack only what you need. yes. we're in danger here. every moment we stay. i do. but you must trust me for now. be especially on your guard. stay cautious to a fault. he is huge and deformed. and quite insane. are you sure you'll be all right? i'll be back as soon as i've got her far away and safe. we'll hunt this fiend down together. i owe you that. done. damn it make sure you keep your pistols dry now husband and wife. i remember the first time i ever saw you. crossing the floor of the grand ballroom with my parents at your side. so beautiful even then. open this door for no-one! elizabeth. elizabeth! oh god. he took her heart. he took her heart from me. live. say my name. elizabeth. say my name. say you remember. say my name. you must. you must. say my name. say you remember. yes. i'll help you remember. one-two-three, twirl-two-three. she's not for you. elizabeth, no! say my name. she'll never be yours! she said my name! she remembers! no! you killed her! you killed her! all that i once loved lies in a shallow grave. by my hand. you should have been my father's son. he would have been so proud. a year now i've followed him. perhaps more. only to arrive at this place. tired. so very tired. i never did find. whatever it was. i was looking for. and neither will you, my friend. value life above ambition. or those glittering prizes you seek will crumble to dust in your fingers. as they have in mine. see your loved ones again. i cannot.