pull, you bastards! pull! cut the damn rigging free before we lose the mast! hard to port! it wouldn't dare. put your backs into it! no. but we'll chop our way to the north pole if we have to. inch by bloody inch. the ice will break. and when it does, we proceed north. as planned. you five come with me! the rest stay with the ship! back to the ship. dead? they knew the risks when they signed on. i've come too far to turn back now. let them try. you're awake. i've prepared some broth. it'll help restore you. are you a physician? there's a startling question, coming from you. i'm captain of this ship. we sailed from archangel a month ago, seeking a passage to the north pole. would-be. i'm plagued with my share of difficulties just at the moment. i can't say i blame them. we're trapped in this ice and bedeviled by some sort of. creature. you know of it? then explain it, whatever it is. it could save the voyage. i've spent years planning this. my entire fortune. lives are ephemeral. the knowledge we gain, the achievements we leave behind. those live on. madness? who are you? rest now. a warming wind. he died. raving about phantoms. he was mad, poor devil. gather a detail. have the body removed from my cabin. who are you? yes. what is that to you? evil as you are. you drove him to his torment. then why weep for him? what kindness? it has a right to bear witness. stand fast. all of you. back to the ship! grigori! grigori! somebody throw me a gaff! swim. home