what do you kids want? what do you want to know for? ain't nothin' to see, girly. 'cept a bunch of ol' graves. you're not goin' up there to do somethin' stupid, are you? like dig up jason voorhees -- that's what! i dunno. but people do. more times than i care to remember. well. okay. as long as you're not going up there to do something stupid. take this road up about a mile and make a left at the ol' saw mill. that road will take you right on in. eternal peace cemetery -- can't miss it. they said they were writin' for some newspaper. well, after i heard about the accident on my police scanner, i came up here to have a look. when i found it i figured you'd want to know right away. damn kids. i just knew they were comin' up here to do somethin' stupid. sounds like the same kids i saw.