morning, meagan. oh, look at the time! i've got to be going. anyone need me to bring anything home tonight? what's wrong with your old one? do you have to watch that crap all the time? months and months of the o.j. simpson trial, and now this. didn't you get my message? i called the school after lunch. i had to stay late after work. she didn't come home from school today. the police got a report that a girl fitting lizzy's description was forced into a car by some crazies. they're pretty sure it was this "freddy" cult. now don't worry. the police are doing everything they can. captain murdoch. is there any- thing we can do? shuuuuu! i'm trying to be invisible. your mother's been worried sick, meagan. so have i. meagan? your mom and i. well, we want to thank you for saving your sister's life. we know you went through a lot. everything is going to be fine. we're going to be a normal, happy family again. goodnight, meagan.