nothing serious. just a few stitches. no. now that the governor has given me complete authority to deal with these punks i should be putting an end to their situation pretty quick. unless of course their attorney is able to get them to come out peace- fully. but i don't hold out much hope for that. damn media. oughtta be a law. is that shyster still in there trying to talk them out? damn lawyers. what a bunch of assholes. shakespeare was right -- kill all the lawyers. then we could kill all the punks with no hassles and the world would be a safer place. ahhhhh. what did shakespeare know? long-haired, english freak. he was probably a punk. freeze! looks like we'll have to hunt the rest of them down. let's go before they get too far. leave her. forget it. i've seen this before. there's nothing you can do. you're wasting your time. punks. i told you you were wasting your time. once these kids go rabid, best thing to do is put 'em down. dead serious. see. the world is made up of rules. kids don't like rules. they rebel for a while, but ultimately they start to fall in line and become ordinary joe's like you and me. but some kids. dope smokers mainly, watching their mtv. satanic lyrics melting what's left of their brains. these kids grow up to be punks. and when these punks step as far over the line as these "freddy" punks have -- then we as peace officers have no choice but to kill them. punks. there's a difference. . barely. punks. you can pray, sir. pray we find your daughter before. well, before it's too late. but rest assured, if i can't persuade her to come back to her loving home, then i'll do what's best for her. i know you and your wife wouldn't want her to suffer. come on. i want to go talk to erwin. did you see a couple of girls go by here a moment ago? teenagers are notorious liars. you did the right thing. did the guard say what they took? no. that won't be necessary. i know just where they're going, and just what they're up to. and this time. i'll be ready. you in there! this is captain renton murdoch -- state trooper! i am ordering you to come out with your hands up! i'll give you until the count of three. three! alright. anybody else left in there had better say their prayers! is that a fact? okay. you had your chance! i knew it! stand back! i'll handle this. you. let her go. that'll teach you to fuck with the law, voorhees! your boyfriend is headed back to the looney bin where he belongs. but don't worry, you'll be seeing him soon enough. at the arraignment. okay, i think we've heard enough of this crap. take her back to the lockup. yeah, including murdering your boy- friend and cutting his heart out. i know how you must feel. i had a dog once. i loved that dog. i treated her like my own daughter. we went camping, picnics in the park. i even had a little stocking for her nailed up on the mantle for christmas. then one day, she bit me. so i had to blow her brains out. god, i loved that dog. punks. religious station? is there a padre there? so that's where they're hiding. this is captain renton murdoch -- state trooper. i'm giving you until the count of three to come out with your hands up. hand me that flare pistol. alright, now i'm through playing "nice guy" -- i want the rest of you punks to come out right now with your hands up. what we're going to need then is somebody to charge their lines -- make a hole for us to slip in. here comes one now. go git 'em, son! now's my chance. give me sixty seconds to get in there then move in. he's dead. and so are you if you don't put your hands up right now! it's time i taught you girls some respect for the law! so. you wanna be a punk? then die like a punk!