en prolongeant les quais d'une trentaine de mtres on pourra recevoir des units d'une cargaison de 500 tonnes. ca fera environ 10 hommes de plus par quipe. quelle importance. ce qui compte pour moi c'est d'avoir un chantier qui puisse recevoir les plus grands bateaux du monde. quelle vie marcel? j'ai plus rien foutu depuis que je suis descendu de ces cabines. bonjour chrie. tu sais j'ai rflchi longuement ton cadeau pour le voyage. je l'ai choisi moi-mme. tiens. si tu veux. encore du sho ping! avec a tu pourras le supporter. pour moi? formidable! sans toi je m'habillerais encore en docker. je suis pass voir franoise. je n'ai jamais vu tant de srenit. elle m'a demand de tes nouvelles et si nous tions heureux. non! ca a march? sale boulot. il est en retard. une erreur! c'est gnial. c'est une vedette la tlvision. il peut aller partout sans tre souponn. en plus il a besoin de fric. sois gentil avec lui. on ne sait jamais. il peut te faire travailler la tlvision. henri c'est gentil d'tre venu. je vous prsente mon associ, pierre nicoli. henri devereaux. it would look even more lonesome in our garage. and these are the cars we're buying for shipment? it's beautiful. who financed it? if this bridge were in europe, it would be on every tourist's sight- seeing list. look how gracefully they conceived that arch. like a bowstring. it was built from both ends. with no support in the middle. beautiful. not any woman, marie. just one. allo. salvatore. salvatore?. very well. you meet me russo wednesday at the hotel. french. it's a frenchman. twelve o'clock. yes. excuse me. it has been highly informative and a personal pleasure to see you again. soon, probably in the spring. goodbye. you must take me for an imbecile. why do you think i asked you to meet me in washington? i haven't spent five minutes in new york city without the company of a gendarme. are you having trouble raising the half million? it has to be by the end of this week. it's your problem. so nice to have seen you again. are you sure it is dead? that's a relief. you did find something for yourself, of course. excuse me a moment, darling. i'm afraid they've become a bit. over-cautious. our american friends. we must follow it. i don't know. boca is scared. he's not strong enough. he sees policemen in his soup. mmmmm. that bastard who followed me on the subway, he's the eager one. there'll be someone else. henri. did you pick up the car? did they follow you? henri. i need one more favor from you. i know i am imposing. not quite -- you are in it whether you like it or not. the police know you brought the car into the country. this makes you an accomplice. calm down -- henri! you must trust me -- this is an extremely complicated situation to which there is a simple solution if you do exactly what i tell you. it's worth more money to you.