enchant. alain, j'ai rflchi votre proposition et j'ai dcid d'accepter. not long enough. two. perhaps three. weeks at most. the next several weeks will be very difficult and the middle of the ocean is the only place where the telephone isn't ringing all the time. to make a frenchman feel what it is like to be a new yorker. this is the new american religion, professional football. it is where everybody goes instead of church on sunday to express that peculiar american taste for bloodshed and violence. these men, playing a "game" - make more money each year than many important business leaders, artists or government officials. it tells us something about this country and how its men live, or go to war with a smile, and sometimes die without a cause. we were told by the police commissioner's office that the car was brought to this garage. i demand its immediate return. i have been patient enough. there is no reason i should have to waste time with this red tape. what's that? you mean the car's here now? i was told these things happen in new york -- but one never expects it. it is waiting for you in the garage. i wasn't looking. my friend, i am not sure about what is going on -- but for me, i am finished. an accomplice to what?! what have you gotten me into, alain? you asked me to do you a favor -- and i did what you asked -- but you've taken advantage of me. i have my reputation -- goodbye.