the guy in the brown coat. what's your name, asshole? who's your connection, willie? what's his name? ever pick your feet in poughkeepsie? did you ever pick your feet in poughkeepsie? were you ever in poughkeepsie? did you ever sit on the edge of the bed, take off your socks and stick your fingers between your toes? you made three sales to your roaches back there. we had to chase you through all this shit and you tell me you're clean? how about that time you were picking your feet in poughkeepsie? you put a shiv in my partner. know what that means? all winter i gotta listen to him gripe about his bowling scores. now i'm gonna bust your ass for those three bags - then i'm gonna nail you for pickin' your feet in poughkeepsie. havin' trouble? you're a dumb guinea. never trust a nigger. never trust anybody. you goin' sick? let's popeye around the chez for a half hour, catch the end of the show and a couple drinks. come on -- one drink. whatta you say? whip it out. i make at least two junk connections at that table in the corner. the guy is the stripe combo, i know him too. who is that guy? what about the last of the big-time spenders. you make him? hunh-uh. check the bread. he spreads it like the russians are in jersey. dig who's just come over. the creep on the end. whatta you say we wait and give him a tail? the greaser with the blonde. come on -- just for fun -- monica? who's monica? cloudy, i'll lay odds he takes us to little italy. it's a drop! it's startin' to cook, cloudy, my man is cookin'. his old lady? yeah, nineteen goin' on fifty. what else? so what's he doin' with two cars and hundred dollar tabs at the chez? if that's not a drop or a pickup, i'll open a charge for you at bloomingdale's. toy wit' this will ya. they treat our boy like a king. wonder why he don't bring his old lady? who's the greaser? i think we oughta burn him on suspicion. makin' wine in the basement. he looks like that wop stooge used to drive for the fracisi brothers. that's the third time he come here this week. you got anything on the building? you're kiddin' he was the bank on that shipment outta mexico three years ago. whatta you know -- he's takin' his wife out for a change. got a job for me when this is over, mrs. levene? we have reason to believe it's a front for the biggest counterfeiting operation in the country. that's right. they're trying to steal the formula for hershey bars -- what the hell am i drivin' for? i'm a first grade detective. you're a second grade guinea. what? maybe he's goin' to see his brother. or could be another drop. i guess he gets a free ride. hands on your heads. popeye's here! what's my name? what? ever pick your feet in poughkeepsie? milk shake anyone? move ass when i tell you. put it on the bar. all right, you three clowns step into those phone booths, you're goin' in. go on. stand in there till i'm ready for you. everybody goes when the whistle blows. what do you do in show business? all right, that's enough, you're under arrest. what about you? can you stand a toss? you don't use shit? did i say you could move that hand -- i'm not gonna get stuck am i? cause if i do. wise guy, huh? let's see what else you got. - buddy! how's everything? how come there's nothing out there? that stuff is all milk. i got a name - sal boca, brooklyn. got a wife named angie. what? who brings it? where do you want it? i'm goin' check on this address in the bronx, if you're bullshitting me, it's your ass. we're goin' now! goodbye. detach us. let us have a shot at it, at least until we see if there's anything here or not. everybody wants weinstock, right? so maybe here's a lead. we deserve it. simonson, i wouldn't be infringing on your coffee break if i thought he was a nickel and dimer. this could be it, walter. this candy store guy, putting on a big show in a fancy nightclub with known connections all over him. then on our own, after working the whole day and night, we tail him out to brooklyn and sit on him for a week practically, and who do we come up with? joel weinstock. you gotta let us have it. two wires. one on the store and one on his house. we know you can do it, walter. hiya, jesus. whatta you got? where'd you get this fag shit? pass. whyn't you get it dry cleaned and burned. willie mays. with a baseball bat! one swing! knock your fuckin' head off. i hear the health department is going to close this joint for selling dirty beer. i come by to help you carry out your money. you want some eggs. hey, mutch! you want bacon? where the hell is it? strike out, eh? a piece of ass wouldn't kill me. morning. sometime. you got a pedaller's license? you're under arrest. yeah. i can't. let yourself in. the crazy kid handcuffed me to the bed. with my own cuffs. gimme my pants. you got the warrant? what do we need those pricks for? throw 'em in the bathroom, will you? how good are the warrants? you take sal. i'll stick with the beard if they split. pour it in your ear. that guy just walked in. what's his name? he got off on six. little shorter than me. well- dressed. about forty-five or fifty with salt-and-pepper hair, a beard. no, i figure he stays here. where's your registration? names. where from? what's he do? yeh? who else? this charnier guy. he's in shipping? where's he from? yeah, i know. the guy's a frog -- i'm pretty sure. also he made me. stayin' on four but went up to six -- cute. who's on him? what about sal? look. my partner and i found this case and i don't want no feds screwing it up. bill, keep shootin' your mouth off and i'll knock you into the middle of next week. you own that lamppost? then how come you're leaning on it. i ever bust you? get your ass in the car. you gonna wait on me or am i gonna sit here all day? hey! c'mere. c'mere! can you stand a toss, hector? you still dealin' shit? when they going to make you chairman of the board? you clean your fingernails with this. yeah, i guess so. i'm sittin' on frog one. the westbury? balls. i got him down at the subway at times square. what the hell's goin' on? i make him coming right out of the hotel free as a bird. not a soul awake. i don't care how many bartenders are sick. i don't work in that joint. what the hell kind of a union are you running down there? where the hell was the surveillance? "go to bed." that's all you could say. you couldn't keep track of a bleeding elephant in a snowbank. i say we keep sittin' on boca. walter, i can make this case if the feds will get the hell out of my way. this is my case. get these guys off my back and let me handle it. the deal hasn't gone down yet walter -- i know it, i can feel it. shot of simonson, mulderig, doyle, russo, in a cluster. everybody, down! get down on the ground! get down! it's a sniper. get down! stop that guy. he's wanted by the police! where's the next stop? going into the city? police! police! emergency! timezit? same car. let's him 'em. up! up, you sonofabitch! of all the goddam cars they had to pick to steal hubcaps. a bunch of lousy little spic car thieves. tumble it. one end to the other. i don't buy it. the stuff is on this car. cover the other side -- frog number one is down there. the sonofabitch is in here somewhere. i saw him -- i'm gonna get him.