je peux l'ouvrir tout de suite? oh alain! c'est merveilleux! tu me gtes. je t'aime. attends, je vais te montrer moi aussi ce que j'ai achet. regarde mon pcheur de baleine. tu sais il va faire trs froid cet hiver. mais non, c'est pour toi. regarde, il te va parfaitement bien! comment va-t-elle? le sommes nous? just for mistakes of parking? darling, may i have this one? it looks so lonesome here. why is it called hellgate? alain is the only man i know who can become as enthusiastic about a bridge as he can about a woman. what is that old building? what was it? for garbage? look, darling, they sell these at the smithsonian. i'm going to put them on the cat. of course. but i am not going to tell you what it is until we are back in marseilles.