son of a bitch! your name is willie craven. who killed the old jew in the laundromat? who stuck up the laundromat? you better give me the guy who got the old jew or you better give me something or you're just a memory in this town. how'd i know he had a knife. he coulda been white. not a chance. some other time jimmy, i'm beat. drink this. hey, i thought we come for a drink. policy man in queens. no, you? he probably sells insurance. owns a chicken farm in hackensack. jewish lucky from the bronx. he don't look the same without a number across his chest. give who a tail? what for -- you wanna play hide the salami with his old lady? a and a, that's all you're interested in -- arrests and ass. i'm telling you, popeye, he owns a bagel mine in the bronx. our friend's name is salvatore boca. they call him sal. he's a sweetheart. he once was picked up on suspicion of armed robbery. tried to hold up tiffany's on fifth avenue! in broad daylight! could have got two-and-a-half to five, but they wouldn't prosecute. also downtown they're sure he pulled off a contract on a guy named demarco. her name's angie. fast filly. she drew a suspended for shoplifting a year ago. only a kid, nineteen according to the marriage license. he's had the store a year an'a half. takes in a fast seven grand a year. the merc's in his wife's name. dodge belongs to his brother. lou. he's a trainee at the sanitation school on ward's island. served time a couple of years ago, on assault and robbery raps. make it alexander's, i like the toy department. there's about a hundred years' parole time in there night or day. there's your answer. it's his father. suspicion of what? lay off with that wop stuff, will you? the building's clean. i checked the tenant list -- don ameche, the actor lives there -- oh, and somebody else. do the name joel weinstock ring a bell? no sir -- this is where joel lives. so i've heard. i'm wounded. oh, oh. he's goin' to ward's island. we'll get spotted. what the hell's he goin' there? what's your story? you're in show business. all right, get up on that bar and dance. get up on the bar and show me how you work. if i like it you don't have to go in. am i talkin' to you - i'm tellin' you to shut up and stand over there. get up there. fake it. if i see any shit on the floor, it's yours, so keep your eye on your neighbor. tell everybody we'll be back in an hour. put this little candy hustler together with joel weinstock and it could be we stumbled into a big score. we got information that there's no shit in the street -- it's like a desert full of junkies with a big score coming in to make everybody well. i go with my partner. first a wire. try. okay? if that's how you're coming in, why not stay home and save us all a lot of grief. whyn't you shove it up your ass! popeye. popeye. it's cloudy. open the door. why not? what the hell you got holding the door? what happened to you? you oughta get plastic covers for this stuff like i did - your scrapbook's a mess like everything else in your life. we also got bill mulderig and phil klein. because by actual count our bureau has exactly nine hundred eighteen dollars and fifty-four cents to make buys and mulderig's feds can get all of uncle sam's money he wants by just asking. sixty days. here. don't mention it. hi! drive carefully! knock it off, bill. phil -- it's cloudy -- we lost him -- he just got off the bridge - he's all yours if you can find him. sonofabitch! excuse me. you want the red or the white? the other guy's a frog too. checked in at the edison. had a hooker sent up. phil klein. we put him to bed for the night. jimmy, cool it. nothin's goin' down tonight. cop a few zzz's while you can. this fella nicoli's got a record in france, walter. he's wanted for questioning in the murder of a french cop. my ass. the only reason you're in this is because you've got a big expense account for buying junk and you like to see your picture in the papers. hey, mac, have you seen? the guy who runs this joint? he's in the brown lincoln - foreign plates. four. third time around. what was the weight of the car when you got it, irv? you're sure? the manufacturer's spec says it should weigh 4,719 pounds. this one's carrying roughly 120 extra pounds somewhere. when it was booked in at marseilles it weighed the same. 120 pounds overweight. jimmy has to be right. got it for you, randy -- it just came in from downtown. who's devereaux? i'm sorry, mr. devereaux, but we get reports on a couple hundred vehicles a night. sometimes it's a little tough to keep track. yeah -- fine -- it's okay -- not even a scratch. you're all set. someone stole it right off the street, huh? you're gonna have to pay the tow away charge. yeah. well, it's in perfect shape. you must lead a charming life. phil, you take that side, bill, go around the other way. jimmy? jimmy? he's gone, jimmy. bill is dead.