i got your inflation. i can russo get the same cups on delancey if he does, we'll be back in street for what i been bed-stuyvesant tomorrow. payin' you for the last year -- that's all i gotta do with you guys -- next time it'll be two cents on the cones, then two cents on the seltzer -- well, if you can't do better than that, you can stick the cups. takin' care o' business, honey. you know i hadda meet some people tonight -- where'm i goinna get a pizza this time o' night? i don't know where i'm gonna find a pizza joint open. yeah? this broad's crazy! who's this -- good. good. great! doyle this is what we been waitin' charnier for -- the stuff is here! will i expect you? it's here! what time? yes -- sixty. by the time it gets down to nickel bags it's at least thirty-two million! i guess we got a deal, eh? joel, the man is in a hurry. he wants the bread and he wants to go back to france. he ain't gonna hang around and play games. he's one o' the shrewdest cats i ever run across. joel, don't jerk me. i spent a lot o' time settin' this one up. i been damn careful up to now. i'm straight, joel. they haven't got shit on me. look, i'm tellin' you, he'll take the deal somewhere else. look, the stuff is here. we could set up the switch in an hour. i'm tellin' you, mr. weinstock, he'll split if we don't move. this guy is everything they say he is. everything's smooth. beautiful. i will need a few more days though, the boys think we oughta cool it for awhile -- make sure there's no heat. look, i'll level with you -- i need a little more time -- i got to shift gears. hell no -- my end is covered -- my associates just feel we ought to wait for a more opportune time to make the switch. look, mr. charnier, you got to be reasonable. it's yours too! yeh. he's over getting my car. bulls!