retail is not my end of the business. are you telling me it's worth the half million? thank you, howard. take what's left there with you and goodnight. we got a test. a deal for half a million dollars, maybe. what am i, a shmuck? what's the hurry? he could see a couple of shows and visit the top of the empire state building. so whatta you want a badge? it's your first major league game sal. one thing i learned, move calmly, move cautiously. you'll never be sorry. which is why your phone lines are tapped and the feds are crawlin' all over you like flies. he could go someplace else with his sixty kilos of heroin and see how easy it is to pull together a half million cash. he wouldn't find there was any hurry to do this kind of business. what about you, sal? are you everything they say you are?