the transceiver and microphone - mint condition 1965 yaesu ft 101, and a "silver eagle" astatic d-104 microphone. tv: larry king is interviewing stephen hawking. frank's dog, elvis. poking his nose in a carton of chinese take-out on the floor. an arm drops into frame - scruffs the puppy's back. the rolex diver's watch tells us the arm belongs to frank. johnny's eyes: shame & fear - doesn't want to disappoint his father again, but too scared to get on the bike. frank reaches out, holds johnny's hand. a white vinyl diary with a blue heart shaped padlock held by a hand. a page is turned and the name alan silver comes clear. the 47-year old face of daryl adams. a notably unimposing guy. he is not a happy camper. killer's eyes, evil fuckin' black dots. he lifts frank to his knees. then rips a fist into frank's face. frank's hand, groping for the handle of a glass pitcher atop the kitchen counter. pitcher: 22 year-old african-amerasian, a muscular beanpole. embroidered on the back of the his fdny jersey is his nickname: phire power. john as he makes his way to the plate. John's face. In his eyes, bliss.