oh, man. hope it ain't like this in baltimore tomorrow. the game, graham. the series? hey, rookie. be cool. just stay with me. this is what we do. it's 5:30, gib. yep. why haven't they killed the juice? you're shitting me! we gotta go underground. get those guys out, now. this is the fire department. frank sullivan. you guys okay? that's exactly what we're gonna do. how do we get to the vault door? i can do it, butch. me and my 'tank man' here. yeah, butch? stay with me, gib. we're gonna do this. we're in, butch. time to go home, fellas. go, gibby! everybody move it. haul ass, that claw ain't gonna hold for long. take cover -- she's gonna flash! you did good, gib. real good. elvis has left the building. hey, bud. looks like two weeks worth of allowance, chief. glad to hear that. how about a little of the king? you alright? what's the matter, jules? trouble workin' an eight hour shift, watching the kid and whipping up a little bolognese? i'd go with you and chinese take-out over her any time. caught in a trap, i can't walk out, because i love you too much b-b-baby. the usual. did he? it was under control, bud. butchy's just getting tight in his old age. okay, start pedaling. don't think about falling, just keep pedaling. c'mon, chief, show some guts. i'm gonna let go! don't quit on me now, chief. cq 15, here is wb2yxb, by for call. cq 15, come in 15. wb2ykxb, who've i got? are you licensed to broadcast, buddy? listen, you can't broadcast without a license. unless this is an emergency, you gotta get off the band. where are you transmitting from? whatta ya know. bayside, born and raised. 15-band closes down at night. during the day you can chew the band with china if you want. can you hold on a second? sorry 'bout that. so queens, you psyched for the series? what? fed up? lemme tell you something, in a 1000 years, when school kids study america, they're gonna learn about three things: the constitution, rock 'n' roll, and baseball. how can you live in queens and not love the amazin's? i'm right with you, man. he's got the heart of a lion. hey, how 'bout the first game of the series? no way, brother. ain't gonna happen. hello, queens. you there? sure. take me out to the ballgame, take me out with the crowd. buy me some peanuts and cracker jack. luck, my ass. see that, kid. practice. practice. wb2yxb calling unidentified station, queens. cq 15. i been q-ing you all night. how the hell did you do it? the world series. you called buford's homer. what are you talking about? i'm talking about this afternoon. i'll be up soon, little chief. sorry 'bout that. oh, that was my kid. uh huh. frank. frank sullivan. look pal, i'm just askin' how you. right. and i'm asking how you called the game. what the hell does gordy have to do with it? what? 29 years? what the hell. i'm not dreaming. christ! nothing. i just spilled something. what? what's happening? that's impossible. johnny? how could this be happening? we gotta be bouncing off the mother sun spot of all time. yeah, that's how hams work. you sound. ground up? thirty-five? that would make it. 1998? this is wrong. who are you? why are you doing this? it's really you, isn't it? thirty-five? jesus, you're almost as old as i am. what's your life like? you married? got kids? too busy playin' ball, huh? you happy? you're still my little chief, right? i think i'm losing you. it's okay. i'm still here, chief. what are you talking about? what? why? on the job? that can't be. that's not gonna happen. when? but that's tomorrow. i don't understand. i'm alright, gibby. hear that? hey, hey. it's gonna be okay. we're gonna help. okay? okay. now tell me, who's up there? where? it looks open on the other side. one way to find out. get out. while you still can. it's not your time. then fuckin' find it. i'm going for the girl. glad to hear it. see you on top. i've found the girl. it's real hot in here, billy. i'm coming out quick. oh mother. i know, butch. i know. elvis has left the building. little chief. johnny? johnny? you there? c'mon, chief, answer me. chief? chief, are you there? it's okay, chief. c'mere. okay, partner, whatta you say we tame this bronco. don't be scared. this time i'm right behind you if you fall. no, but we can. we can do it together. spirit and guts, chief. take your time. i'm not gonna let go 'til you say okay. you ready? i'm right here behind you. yes! that's it! you got it, you got it! way to go, chief! atta boy. can you hear me? chief?! is that you? you're the voice of an angel, johnny. if you hadn't told me, no way i would'a ever made it. yeah. i'm okay. what about you? i want to know. about you. and your mom. tell me. i'm glad. what, johnny? what is it? i didn't think. you won't. i swear to god you won't. i love you, son. nothing. i just wanted to see you. i'm here. bruised but not broken. i tucked him in at gordo's. one in each ear. what would you do without me? i love you, bud. he ain't the only one. wish you weren't. yeah, actually i do. right here, chief. sorry i lost you last night. damn thing keeps cutting out. are you alright"? what? johnny, what's wrong? what? what is it? whatta you mean she's not here? she just died, your mother just died? when? jesus christ. that's. ten days from now. how? johnny, i gotta know. murdered? why? what kinda twisted animal. whatta you mean. what are you talking about? i gotta take her away, john. i'm gonna take your mother away. he can't hurt her if i take her away. i'll warn them. what can we do? you don't even know who this guy is. so what should i do? call the police? you think they'll believe me? i don't know, john. i'm a fire fighter. this is. this is different. what if the radio stops working? christ, what if i can't reach you again? what do i gotta do? why not just get the cops to watch the bar? what do i tell them? i was, uh, i'm not really. a married fireman. frank. i don't think so. i follow fires, nothing else. yeah, it was a close call, but. close is just close if you're still alive to talk about it, y'know. there's something i gotta take care of. something i need to tell you about. i've been talking to this. guy. this cop. on the ham. and, uh, he. i've been talking to johnny. on the radio. no. not our johnny. i mean, it's johnny. but not now. in the future. i'm serious. i'll be damned. no. i just kept talking to her. there was a lot of guys in that bar - could'a been any of 'em. whatta we do now? got it. how? all right, i'm with you. i just hope we know what the hell we're doing. tell me something good, chief. tell me about the future. what else, john. it must be different, huh? are people living on the moon? what are we like in. 1998? hey, what about the amazin's? they pull it off? yeah, you betcha. wow. hang on a sec, john. jules, i want you to say hello to somebody. i'm on with john - that guy i told you about. yeah, but, no kidding around, he's a good guy, a real good guy. john, say hello to my wife. julia. john, you still there? you all right? don't worry, chief. i'm not gonna let anything happen to her. no matter what. just fine. you? i'm trying to quite. turns out those things'll kill you. yep. that's what i do. mary finelli. open up, open the door. ah. ummm. this it's okay, ma'am. i'm the police. he killed her john. he killed her and i didn't do a thing to stop it. yes it is. we did this. we changed everything. i've been having bad dreams, johnny. dreams where i die. in the fire. i was supposed to die in that warehouse. this is wrong. it's like we cheated. i don't think i can. i'm not a cop. i can't. i can't stop this guy. johnny, i know, but. john, he's got my driver's license. he took my driver's license, john, he knows where we live. no, he tossed the wallet, but he kept the license. in my pocket. what? how the hell am i gonna do that? what. okay, okay. i got it. huh? i gotcha, i gotcha chief! hang on. okay. you're telling me this maniac is a cop? what the hell am i supposed to do with that one? okay, i'm on it. hey. what are you doing here, satch? you off today? john, hold on a second. i'm in the middle of something important here. you mind if. satch, you gotta just give me. satch is here john. you hear me? satch is here. just a minute, john. okay? don't go away. what is going on here, satch? what are those guys doing out there? no, i don't. about what? okay. it's okay, bud. i'll be right back. stay there, john. what do you mean? no. this isn't what you think. okay, okay. i need to go say something to julia and finish up with the guy on the radio. trust me, bud. do that for me. john, you there? satch is busting me for sissy clark's murder. john. you gotta help me, chief. carl shepard. detective out of the 15th precinct. i swear, satch. as nuts as that sounds, yes. satch, would you listen to me here. just you and me. can i talk to you here, alone? he's not gonna stop, satch. he's gonna keep on. what if i could prove it to you, satch? what if i told you that in the bottom of the 6th we're gonna be down 3-0. and cleon jones is gonna get hit in the foot. it's gonna leave a scuff mark on the ball. the next batter, clendenon, hits one outta the park. in the bottom of the 7th, weis is gonna hit a solo home run. jones and swoboda are gonna score in the 8th. the mets are gonna win 5-3. go watch the game, satch. she's in harm's way. he's gonna be coming for her. promise me, as a friend. october 22, don't let her out of your sight. you twisted animal. you try putting that thing around my neck and i'll rip your throat out. you want me dead, use the gun. you got to help me. he's trying to kill me. elvis has left the building. detective deleon. satch, you gotta listen to me. no kidding. i'm on the corner of 65th and cpw. come get me. next time lets put some money on it. hey, bud. john, john? you there? johnny? we did it, john. we stopped him. what's wrong? this is between you and me. get your fucking hands off my wife. i'm still here, chief. bring me home, son! bring me home!