sully! is that you? hey, sull. my cable's out again. can you believe ellen still won't let me cook in the house? i melt one lousy frying pan, y'know? hey, ok if gordy uses your old gear? so yahoo went up another two points. man, did we miss the boat on that one. sam called ellen. why don't you come with us? three days of fresh air and barbecue would do you some good, man. hey, gordy, what 'ya doing? hey! gimmie that! john, that's your dad's old ham radio. remember? remember how we used to beg him to let us talk on that thing? man, do i feel old. sull! what the hell! c'mon, man. get inside. i'll come over. we'll play some nintendo. go in where? i know pal. i remember. twenty-nine years tomorrow. how you feeling? can you believe it, yahoo goes up another point today. you realize that if you'd bought a thousand dollars worth of yahoo in '96, it'd be worth fifty-grand today? principal calls us in 'cause gordy hacked into the school system - sent out a little x-rated e-mail. scary, huh? eight-years old. john. john, you all right? what? what is it? huh? fire? what are you talking about? he had cancer, john. yeah, lung cancer. ten years ago. huh? i wanna talk on the radio. this is the space cowboy. i'm an intergalactic traveler from the federation planet earth. how'd you know my name, mister? i better give you my address then. you got a deal, mister. i mean santa.