the kitchen is empty. breakfast dishes in the sink. frank flips on the radio. it plays out under the rest of the montage as coverage of the oil truck crash blends into other news stories. julia sullivan, 32, is rockin' out, chopping vegetables. with a shrug, and sharing a kids will be kids smile with julia, he grabs a cold rheingold from the refrigerator and heads into. samantha strides in past john towards a washer. dryer. john enters, goes straight for a half empty bottle of bushmills irish whiskey. as he brings the bottle to his mouth. brrrring. the phone. meet gordon hersch, 35, computer geek, lovable dough boy. last seen by us in 1969 as a six-year old. john steps to teh counter and pours himself a stiff bushmills. turns and steps back into. john barrels into the kitchen, leaving door ajar, and runs.