show me 'round the smokey mountains way down south. hey, bud. well, why not a little of the king? damn. i think i ruined the sauce. again. you didn't marry donna reed. how was your tour? butch called. he did. nothing wrong with old age, frank. long as you get there. don't be so tough on him frank, he's six years old. he just needs to know you're right there behind him. hi, this is julia. please leave a message after the tone. frankie, johnny wants to say goodnight. i thought it'd be nicer to eat here. i'm sorry sam couldn't make it. i'm sure everything'll work out. she really loves you. fine. you know dr. schwartz retired last month? close. oh, i loved it. i wish you'd gone. you work too hard, john. 29-years tomorrow. you would have liked him, john. and he would have liked you. frank. what's wrong? frankie, what is it? where's johnny? you give him his drops? probably marry some rich doctor and never have to work. excuse me doctor, is that benazepril? i gave this patient 50 mills of benedryal on admittance. mix them and he's dead. it's in his chart. i love you more. boy is he excited about the game tomorrow. i'm off. do you know how much i love you? i think i'm gonna head up, take a shower. you wanna tuck the monster in and join me? what's the matter? okay. honey, what is it? just tell me. i know. he loves that thing. sounds like fun. i'll be upstairs. if you want to play. so am i. the future guy? hey, future boy. frank tells me you're a cop? my six year-old here keeps telling me he wants to be a policeman. right after he retires from the majors. we just gave him a badge and a whistle for his birthday. you're mom sounds like she's got some smarts. are you a good cop, john? then i'll bet she's real proud of you, huh? i'm sorry. i didn't realize. but she knew, john. a mother knows what's in her son's heart. i better go. it's been good talking with you. then you gotta hide it somewhere. somewhere where nobody's gonna find it. for 29 years! put it under the loose floorboard by the window! what's going on, satch? then you believe him? hello? frank. hey, bud. want to join me?