lucky throw, fire boy. don't choke on your pride, sull. you ain't ever gonna catch another one like that. nothing you're willing to do. be real careful when pulling it out. and get the dirt around it. you get your roof fixed? you doin' okay, john? just keep him away from girls. just keep him away from girls. you're not looking too good. maybe you outta lay off a little. another rough night, huh? that it? do not disrespect me. disrespect yourself all you want. but not me. or anybody else around here. you got that? this is getting real old, john. and i'm tired up to here with it. and i'm tired of the i'm sorrys. i don't need 'em. what i need is a partner i can count on. i care about you. not cause of me and your old man. not cause of your mom. but because of you. we got the preliminary forensics on that skeleton. your gonna want to look at it. bad memories. you imagine the odds. us diggin' up a nightingale murder? she makes ten. what're you talking'? you know better than anybody, john. you've read this file a thousand times. any word on our bones? you're pulling over with a .44 bulldog tucked in your pants getting ready to blow somebody's brains out. i figure the last thing you're thinking about is alternate side of the street parking. that wasn't luck, johnny boy. that was smarts and ten plus on the job. april 16? that means she was the first. this case just got hot. we pull on this string. mind if i shake it off first. so's i can concentrate better. so you figure the murders stop 'cause he's off the street. then by the time he gets paroled, he's smartened up enough to control himself? uh, huh. i'm just trying to figure what interests me more: the possibility that daryl is the guy, or you making him absolutely the guy. i gotta take a leak. you need to use the head? you can, y'know. if you want to. john. got a minute? he ain't our guy, john. if he was gonna give something up he would'a done it already. hello, frank. frank, we need to talk. i'm sorry, frank, but you need to come outside. i think you know, frank. let's go outside and talk. we need to do that. let's go. do us both a favor. where were you last night, frank? do you know where i found this? 415 greenwich st. #302. under the body of a murdered woman. i wanna be wrong here. but we need to go to the precinct and talk about it. you can talk to julia. forget the radio. frank. that's not the deal, frank. don't do this to your family. uh, huh. uh, huh. and you got this from the guy you were talking to on the radio when i came in? uh, huh. give me a little time with this guy. frank, this is not the time to be worried about covering up if you had a thing with this girl. are you listening to me? you're in a world of shit. an eye witness has you outside the dead girl's apartment. we got your prints all over the place. plus the fucking driver's license, frank. you gotta give me something here. something i can believe. how's that? frank, please. frank, this is insane. go watch the game? go watch the fucking game? frank, they're gonna make you for sissy clark's murderer. it matches the nightingale's profile. you understand what that means? whatta you want me to tell her? let's walk, get a cup of coffee. can you excuse me for a second? i don't know. he was right! everything he said. he was telling the truth. yeah i do. you bet your life i do. i'm on my way. wait here, i'll send a uniform. deleon. frank. we know. we know it's shepard. you missed a hell of a game, frank. get him home safe.