glad you did. come on in. buy you a cup of coffee? no. no. well, sort of. in my heart. been dead 29 years. yeah, long time ago. i know you? no. what house you work? a hot shot, huh? i hear that. no kiddin'? huh. who are you? you got a collar in here for the nightingale murders? i'm working with one of the victims outta brooklyn north. you mind i take a shot at him? they around? where's the collar, in the cells? i'll go find hayes. on your feet. now turn around, face the wall. how did you know? evidence says you're the animal. that's why you hung yourself. let me draw you a picture. you live at 1060 41st ave. you have a wife who works at new york hospital. and a six-year old at p.s. 130. mind if we take it outside? i'll be right back. didn't mean t step on your toes. they sent me up from downstairs, i thought you'd be in there with him. what's the score? you mind i go back at teh fire boy for a while? i won't lay a hand on him, just want to see what he's got? hell- who the fuck is this? sullivan? fuck you, asshole. my turn to steal your life. you're a clever fuck, fireboy. time to meet the family. not any more. sure do. nice. don't. don't do it, frank. you're not a killer. you were the kid. i remember now. but this time, no daddy.