cabin b is ready.
you told her to sweep the courts.
you can changed in three.
steve said for you to start on the boats.
i'll tell him.
everybody except the girl who's supposed to handle the kitchen. annie.
i'm not sure i'll last all week. i'll tell steve.
oh, thanks. i wish i could spend more time at it.
just a feeling. nothing personal.
i don't know. probably be best for everybody.
next friday.
how come?
did you want something?
oh, my god.
it's long and personal. it has nothing to do with you or the other kids.
and it's this place. it makes no sense, but it spooks me.
what'd you see?
i walked into it knowing i'd get hurt, but i thought i could stand anything. i just wasn't ready for that kind of pain. we were supposed to meet in l.a. when i got back there, he sent a telegram saying he was going back to his wife.
i don't know.
i'll be along.
i didn't know i was asleep. what time is it?
now i'm only eleven hours behind schedule. steve is going to have a small cow.
and then steve looks at you with those hurt eyes--like you don't care about children.
i'll see you later.
you're very nice.
there's a fucking snake in here.
how the.  did he get in there?
okay. can i help?
the way i feel, that's perfect.
bad bulb or no power. it's getting a little gloomy in here.
tomorrow is another day.
this just plain ain't my day.
somebody probably dropped something too hard.
ned? we're gonna be working together for a while. you're a nice guy without all the entertainment, okay?
you're welcome.
he went to bed early.
jack and marcie are gonna be drenched.
i'm not always this stupid.
it wouldn't matter except steve should be getting back pretty soon. it wouldn't look so great if he fell over them.
well, it hasn't been that long.
i think we should go wake them up. just in case.
i guess.
good night, brenda.
i don't here it anymore.
it sounded like brenda.
did somebody leave the lights on at the softball field?
they're off now.
i'll go with you.
brenda? brenda? you there?
what the fuck is going on here?
marcie? brenda? jack?
i think we should call the police, bill.
do you have a dime? a quarter?
hello? hello? this damn thing's dead, too.
what's the matter with it?
why don't we run? just run now?
the generator.
bill? bill?
help! help!
jack! marcie! help me!
the knife!
he's dead.  she's dead.  all dead.  please save me.  oh.  poor bill.  oh my god, oh my god.  oh god.
jack? marcie? ned?
no, no, they're all dead.
they'll kill you! don't leave me!
all dead? neddy? oh, marcie.
bill--bill--bill is out there.
the killer is still out there.
maybe we should wait for mr. christy.
i don't understand.
why shouldn't we wait for mr. christy?
mr. christy will be back soon.
i won't let you!
no! no! no!
where are the goddamned bullets?
Help me.