ha! ow! good call. quote: controlled substances are expressly forbidden. possession or use of marijuana or alcohol on campgrounds will means instant dismissal. unquote. steve's got a woodlore program. you see any life rings? for sure. you want it listed separately? coach, athletic director somewhere. brenda four zip. how'd it get in the drawer? it's gonna be a long summer. steve taught me how to use the emergency generator. the town power lines are supposed to be real shitty. give me a hand? here we go. now ya' close the switch. i'll be okay. holy shit. you saved my life. thanks. whew. floor probably leaks. this area is full of springs. just in cause this bugger goes bad. i'm gonna pick up some lanterns from the equipment shack. what is it? not funny, ned. i'll spot you five points. you just had some lucky shots. hey, how about a walk by the lake? just a walk, for chrissakes. wind's up. it's shifted a good hundred and eighty degrees. i love you. i don't love neddy. ned! i thought you wanted to give him one of your motherly lectures. ned is gonna do whatever he wants to do, you know. looks like a storm. you? the brick? it's just a dream. this is no dream. want to escape for a while? just a little. wait a minute, woman. mmmmmmmph. umhummmmph. whassamatta?