sex is all you ever think of, neddy. you are a true pierce of work, ned. how about our last jay? we got two weeks before the kids even arrive. then i'll act responsibly. until then, hit me. it's beautiful. what are those for? an indian raid? here. meet me in my cabin after taps. okay, camper? neddy collects weird facts. next he is going to tell us that there are poisonous snakes in the outhouse and green lizards in the lake. help me! save me! the frog people are after me! it's swim time at camp crystal lake. come on, alice, i need protection! cowboy. okay, fireman. rocky road. pistachio, fudge ripple, creme de menthe and i are going back to work. steve never mentioned serpents. jack, would you get some paper towels? thanks. go ahead. i walk on 'em all the time. would you shovel mr. snake outta here? how you doin'? there's a lot of dishes if you just want something to do. last line of gone with the wind? soooooeeeeey, piggy, piggy. wait'll you're really in trouble and see what happens. i hope that's the last time we see the camp crystal lake drama program. i don't blame him. yeah, like draining the lake! boy, we sure do have a lot of filthy small-minded people around here. wait a minute, i'll get my diaphragm and be right with you. makes me want to hold on and never let go. i love you. what about neddy? he keeps on acting like such an asshole! don't call him. i guess. i'm a little scared of storms. always have been. since i was a kid. i've dreamed this dream. maybe half a dozen times. there is a thunderstorm. the rain comes down like pebbles. i can hear the sound. i try to close my ears off. it doesn't work. the sounds gets louder. the rain turns to blood and the blood washes down in little rivers. and the sound stops. i call it my shower dream. lead the way! are you wet? mmmmmmmph? best over. like waves. it's never been likes waves before. gotta pee. you're lying on my bladder. i know this ain't very romantic, but what can i say? i don't want to explode. "forty yards to the outhouse by willie makit." "the yellow stream by i.p. daley." not the most original stuff, kids. jack? jack? jack? neddy? don't put me on. allee allee infree! must be my imagination.