sean -- where the hell have you been? we're already into early departure protocol. let's take in the brow. she's a beauty, isn't she? i should've retired from the navy ten years ago. hell, there's just twenty or so of you -- we only need a skeleton crew and it's a pleasure to sail her anyway. by the way, congratulations on winning the intramural diving championships, miles. i'm sure you made your old man proud. actually, i thought i'd leave the honors to my son. relinquishing command of the princess ruby to captain sean robertson. but before you take the helm, take this. something old and something new. i used the sextant when i was your age, but now they have these goddamn computers to do all the work for you. aren't you forgetting something? we're in foggy weather! send out the international maritime signal that a vessel is backing down, followed by a security broadcast warning other ships! let's kick in the stablilizers, mr. carlson, and get the seas off the quarter. these kids are in for one hell of a storm. gets a reflective look in his weary eyes. a tremendous age. take some advice from a salty old man: don't push him too hard. returns to the bridge as lightning flashes outside. better have them doublecheck the lifeboat stations as well.