we're peering at j.j. predatorially through the steam, moving through it, behind the generators. moving around the generators, eyeing her sleek leather pants as she bends over to plug in her axe. through the crack in the door, watching rennie unexpectedly take off. he's about to move after her when ha hears: moving down the same corridor, catching a glimpse of eva before she turns a corner and disappears. chasing after her with the smooth determination of a shark, never letting her get too far in the lead. wayne's body is now on fire. and the blaze is spreading he's having no problem catching up to the defenseless teenager. miss van deusen is darting across the deck, gathering up a trio of terrified seniors. trampling towards the hoist, about thirty feet away now. the boat has already disappeared over the edge. a tattered billboard over one of the warehouses advertises the new york rangers hockey team, featuring a full shot of the hockey-masked goalie. as an elderly couple rises toward us. their reactions grow more bleak the closer we get, finally registering terror as we plow right through them. rennie is blinding us with the sanitation engineer's flashlight, giving us only brief glimpses of herself in the reflective wet surroundings. as the bright beam leaves our eyes, rennie dashing down the intersecting tunnel .