well. how do you feel? i'm talking about graduation. being totally free to do whatever we want now. gotta throw the anchor over. glances at the lake, at their eerie surroundings. he feels a chill, heading back inside. nothing. it's just that we're right around that old summer camp where all those murders took place. never mind, you don't want to know about it. there's nothing to worry about, suzy. the guy's dead now, somewhere at the bottom of this lake. if you believe the stories. let's drop it, okay? there was this boy named jason voorhees who drowned in crystal lake. none of the counselors heard him. a bunch of years went by and everybody forgot about it. that's when the murders started. his mother blamed the counselors for his death and tried to kill them all. she got her head chopped off by one of them. no. legend has it that jason came back to avenge his mother's death, vowing to kill every teenager from the area. and every now and then, the murders start up again. forget about it, suzy. they're just stories. right. right. right. except that jason isn't real so none of it matters anyway. hear what? all right, i'll check it out. gotcha good, baby cakes. all right, all right -- i'm a major ass. and i'll never do it again. forgive me? uh-huh. you must really think i'm an ass. ohmygod.