what the fuck is this? who did this, man? yeah, well these dead bodies are sure enough real. i say we regroup and find this motherfucker before he finds us. school's out, mcculloch. let's go. i managed to scrounge this shit from the game room and hallways. grab what you want. nothin'. nothin' but this gun. shoves the gun stock into his shoulder and takes instantaneous aim. but he doesn't shoot. he slowly lowers the rifle. miles?? doesn't get the chance to grasp the reality of it because jason's hand grips his shoulder, spins him around and slugs him squarely in the face. the force of it sends the boxer reeling backwards off the railing. hey man, if i can make it, so can. you. hey man, wake up! check it out!! god damn, we're in new york! you did it, my man!! we can't let those gang-bangers get away, man. slams open the booth door, grabbing the receiver, punching the "operator" digit. slowly push in on him as he waits for an answer. several more rings. c'mon. get me the police -- this is an emergency. use the combos and keep the feet light. take your best shot, motherfucker.