remember girls, the shuffleboard tournament will start at six p.m. sharp. a non-attendance will restrict your time in port, understood? you'll do no such thing, mr. wolfe. your itinerary has been carefully planned and make no mistake, it will be executed accordingly. rennie's not coming. she changed her mind. let's see. mr. wolfe is in stateroom one-eleven and you, mr. robertson, are in two-twenty-five. you can stop right there, miss mason. it's already been done. congratulations on the 3.9 average, miss watanabe. you're in stateroom two- fifty-five. all right. but if it mysteriously disappears en route, i'll have you sent back home the minute we dock. understood? jim miller and suzy donaldson never showed up. i'm a little concerned. let's go -- we're running two minutes late. you have no right. she doesn't know what she wants. she's never had a stable life. i'm her legal guardian, not you or anybody else, and i alone know what's best for her. end of discussion. your father was looking for you, mr. robertson. there's a storm predicted tonight. you're making a big mistake, rennie. it's not too late to put you back on land. if miss van deusen knew how afraid you were of. why are you doing this to yourself? facing your fear doesn't always conquer it. have you seen my niece anywhere? senior predictions started five minutes ago and she hasn't shown up. in your case i'm sure that's true. what are you doing in here? are you girls using drugs? i'11 be coming around your stateroom in exactly fifteen minutes, miss mason. you'd better have your biology project ready or i'm phoning your parents. then i'll make sure you remain on board while your classmates see the sights. dear god. oh, i can see that. you've done a wonderful job of supervising the kids, miss van deusen. stay away from her. both of you. i'm in no mood for any more stall tactics, miss mason. where is your final project? where did you get that alcohol? that's it. you're not setting foot off this ship until we return home. oh, you've done it now. not only are you going home, i'll see to it that you spend next year back in a high school classroom! you'll never get away with it. and you can forget about ever attending any film school. you're both going to be very, very sorry. i thought i told you to stay away from her. i demand to know what is going on. where's the radio? what are you talking about? you're insane, old man. jason voorhees has been dead for over thirty years. a killer walks this ship indeed. and it's certainly none of us. that lunatic has been spouting off about jason since we boarded. it's no coincidence. walking corpses are not real! you'll do no.such thing and watch your mouth, young man! i'm in charge here! christ. where's rennie?? what?? you sent her out there with a murderer running around loose?? you had me worried to death! i'm the one you should be listening to! do you think dropping an anchor in the middle of a storm makes any sense whatsoever? i refuse to discuss this ridiculous notion that a ghoul is terrorizing this ship. whatever you've been. imagining. has nothing to do with jason voorhees. i want you to be safe, rennie. that's all i care about. this isn't a request. she's locked safe in her room, no thanks to either of you. has he brought it back on course yet? he's the son of the captain, for chrissakes. you'd think he'd be able to operate this thing! well? what's that? can you shut that damn thing off?? i doubt very much that one even exists. use some common sense! setting off a fire alarm causes panic. the same kind of panic caused by suggesting jason voorhees is on board. enough is enough. almost flinches when the lights die and he's plunged into blackness. he moves forward, every step tentative. he passes the convection ovens and we remain on them, spotting the frightened face of the deck hand in the shadows. the deranged old man is very sober now, clutching a large kitchen knife for defense. rennie?? cautiously steps up to the door, silently grabbing the knob and swinging it open. it's empty. he hears something, spinning around. again, nothing is there. mcculloch quickly moves to the telephone and dials. a few seconds pass. come on, answer!! what did you do with rennie?? she never should've set foot on this ship. this is your fault! not another word, do you hear me?? why aren't you with the others, woman?? jason voorhees is dead!! raises the flare gun with zero hesitation and fires it. dear christ. get in the boat, rennie! you can and you will!! if we don't find the shore soon we're all going to die. come on -- everybody up the ladder. a wonderful choice of places to dock a boat, mr. robertson. you heard him! we have to call the police everyone split up -- we'll cover more ground that way. my niece's life hangs in the balance right now!! every second counts. it's okay -- she's with me. rennie, thank god. don't be ridiculous! yes. he's a walking corpse, a phantasm from hell. rennie, for god's sake slow down!! perfect for a swim, isn't it? you've been coming out here every summer for the last three years, young lady, and you still haven't learned how. that's what you said last year. i think the time for your first swimming lesson has just come. you don't want to end up drowning like that voorhees boy, do you? he never learned how either and he's still at the bottom of this lake. oh, he is indeed. and ready to pull down anybody who falls in and can't swim. am i? let's find out. better swim before jason drags you down, rennie. come on, you can do it. you can and you will! swim, rennie! i was only trying to teach you. but i pulled you out, rennie. i saved your life. you. are. not possible.