me too. but i'm not sure uncle charles will be. what about not-so-great writers? just felt a little chill. really? that's wonderful, miss van deusen. what's it about? i don't know what to say. leans back in terror, falling into miss van deusen. i just got a little dizzy. i'm fine. continues along the starboard side, not risking another glance overboard. she passes an older, very deranged deck hand, mopping the deck. hold on him, his bloodshot eyes following her like a crazed raven. hi, sean. we changed our minds. but i didn't get you one. sean. it's beautiful. i'd love to. i'm staying. she didn't push me into coming. i don't even know why i'm afraid, uncle charles. i can't even remember when it started. don't you think it's time i found out and got over it? i'm staying. what do you think. time for some personal experiences to fuel our minds? i agree. feels her throat catch with terror and an instant later: snaps out of it, moving to the door, where her dog is frantically clawing with his fur up. okay toby, calm down. appears from the shadows, just as startled to see them. it's not jason at all. rennie can't help noticing the cocaine, trying hard to ignore it. have you seen my dog? i think he came this way. no thanks. toby? have you seen my dog anywhere? yeah. a lot. there's something i haven't told you. flounders at the surface, nobody realizing the terror she's experiencing. she's too scared to even cry for help. i can't swim. it's not that simple. whenever i get near the water, i see this young boy drowning. he tries to pull me down with him. about four years ago. at crystal lake. i spent a few summers there with uncle charles inbetween boarding school. no. it was just a normal summer. i've never been able to figure it out. it wasn't her fault. just. leave me alone. it's not real, it's not real. i want to go home. i want off this ship. can he really take us home? what about you? what is happening??? what do you mean??? can't you call for help?? where are they? just radio for help, okay??? toby? toby? where'd you go? is oblivious as she reads the directions above the controls. remains in the hoist box, making certain it is operating correctly. a second later, we see the fleeting outline of a human shape appear behind her. but sean said. can't we at least talk about it? but what about the drowning boy i've been seeing? i'm not staying in my room, uncle charles. uncle charles! stands frozen, feeling herself drawn to him like a magnet. she crawls to the edge of her rug, which is now a deep lake, and extends her arms to him. feels the skin on her face crawling off her skull, her eyes expanding because she's now looking at: screams with guttural fear, letting go of herself, watching her younger self drown in the hole in her room. sinks to the floor, scrambling on all fours to get as far away from the porthole as possible. she makes it across the room to her stateroom door just as: the window. i don't understand what is happening to me. what is it?? is the ship going to sink?? i'm not going near any lifeboat! i'm not!! i. i can't. toby. no!!! no! please don't. opens her eyes, looking into the dead boy's face as blood drips from his mouth. he collapses in front of her, giving way to a view of jason towering over her. at the same time: shoves gang banger #1 off of her as jason returns his attention to her. she grabs a loose brick and flings it at him, cracking his hockey mask, momentarily disorienting him. rennie sprints away. drugs. then jason came. he's here, sean. slams on the brakes, jerks it into reverse and floors it stomps on the brake pedal and the tires screech to a halt. they all take a moment to catch their breath, looking out the front window. desperately throws it into forward again, gripping the wheel and racing forward. opens her dazed eyes, seeing miss van deusen's body charring inside the wreckage. it's incomprehensible. she numbly gets to her feet, stepping towards it. something makes her hesitate: she peers down at the asphalt. is too panicked to obey. you pushed me. he was down there!!! i was at school when they told me. 'rennie, we have some very bad news. your parents have been killed in an auto accident.' it seems like everybody i care about ends up. toby. what's wrong, boy? shrieks in horror as toby disappears inside the pit just as the train roars by. no!!! runs straight towards the track pit like a football punter, recoiling with her right leg, kicking jason somebody help us!! he's going to kill us!!! please, hurry. you don't understand -- there's a maniac trying to kill us!!! look! tries to help up sean but he's been knocked into the opposite wall, barely conscious. backs away but does not run. the time has come to face her fears. you never got me in the lake, jason. and you're not going to get me now either. drops the can, fumbling for the flashlight again. get up, sean!!! rotates her head and sees: drags sean to his feet with the strength of a possessed woman, pulling him over to a service ladder attached to the intersecting alcove wall. climb!!! slips on the rusty ladder, regaining her footing. and rushing higher. she takes her final glance into the tunnel, the ultimate horror registering in her corneas as she sees: oh toby.